UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Oral Health among Adult Residents in Vilnius, Lithuania Vitosyte, Milda; Puriene, Alina; Stankeviciene, Indre; Rimkevicius, Arunas; Trumpaite-Vanagiene, Rita; Aleksejuniene, Jolanta; Stangvaltaite-Mouhat, Lina


According to the World Health Organization (WHO) oral conditions may be determined by social, biological, behavioral, and psychosocial factors. The study assessed oral health status and its determinants associated with oral health conditions among adult residents in Vilnius, Lithuania. A total of 453 of 35–74-year-olds participated (response rate 63%). A self-reported questionnaire was administered. Dental caries experience (D₃MFS score), periodontal probing depth (PPD), and number of missing teeth were assessed clinically. Data were analyzed using χ² test, independent samples t-test, and multivariable linear regression. The mean (sd) of D3MFS scores was 67.3 (33.5), the mean (sd) number of teeth with PPD 4+ mm was 5.9 (5.3), prevalence of periodontitis was 33%, the mean (sd) number of missing teeth was 6.9 (6.8), and prevalence of total edentulism was 3.8%. Medication use was associated with all oral health conditions, while age was associated with caries experience, and missing teeth. Sugar-containing diet was associated with caries experience, and missing teeth, and smoking with caries experience and periodontal status. Systemic diseases were associated with periodontal status, while behavioral determinants, last dental visit, and use of fluoridated toothpaste were associated with missing teeth. Oral health status among adult Vilnius residents was poor. Oral conditions were associated with both biological and behavioral determinants. Oral health promotion should focus on modifying behavioral determinants.

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