UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Simplified Seismic Assessment of Unreinforced Masonry Residential Buildings in the Balkans: The Case of Serbia Blagojević, Predrag; Brzev, Svetlana, 1959-; Cvetković, Radovan


The paper presents a study on the existing low-rise unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings constructed in the period from 1945 to 1980 in Serbia and neighbouring countries in the Balkans. Buildings of this typology experienced damage in a few earthquakes in the region, including the 2010 Kraljevo, Serbia earthquake and the 2020 Petrinja, Croatia earthquake. The focus of the study is a seismic design approach for Simple masonry buildings according to Eurocode 8, Part 1, which is based on the minimum requirements for the total wall area relative to the floor plan area, which is referred to as Wall Index (WI) in this paper. Although the intention of Eurocode 8 is to use WI for design of new buildings, the authors believe that it could be also used for seismic assessment of existing masonry buildings in pre- and post-earthquake situations. A study on 23 URM buildings damaged in the 2010 Kraljevo, Serbia earthquake has been presented to examine a relationship between the WI and the extent of earthquake damage. Seismic evaluation of a typical 3-storey URM building damaged in the 2010 earthquake was performed according to the requirements of seismic design codes from the former Yugoslavia and Eurocode 8.

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