UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Advanced Process Simulation of Low Pressure Die Cast A356 Aluminum Automotive Wheels—Part II Modeling Methodology and Validation Ou, Jun; Wei, Chunying; Cockcroft, Steve L.; Maijer, Daan M.; Zhu, Lin; A, Lateng; Li, Changhai; Zhu, Zhihua


This manuscript presents an advanced modeling methodology developed to accurately simulate the temperature field evolution in the die and wheel in an industrial low-pressure die casting (LPDC) machine employed in the production of A356 automotive wheels. The model was developed in the commercial casting simulation platform ProCAST for a production die operating under production conditions. Key elements in the development of the model included the definition of the resistance to heat transfer across the die/casting interfaces and die/water-cooling channel interfaces. To examine the robustness of the modeling methodology, the model was applied to simulate production and non-production process conditions for a die cooled by a combination of water and air-cooling (Die-A), and to a second die for a different wheel geometry (Die-B) utilizing only water cooling for production conditions. In each case, the model predictions with respect to in-die and in-wheel temperature evolution were compared to industrially derived thermocouple (TC) data, and were found to be in good agreement. Once tuned to the process conditions for Die-A operating under production conditions, no further tuning of the die/casting interface resistance was applied. Additionally, the model results, in terms of the prediction of pockets of solid encapsulated liquid, were used to compare to x-ray images of wheels. This comparison indicated that the model was able to predict clusters of porosity associated with encapsulated liquid with an equivalent radius of ~27 mm.

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