UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Concrete–Concrete Bond in Mode-I: A study on the Synergistic Effect of Surface Roughness and Fiber Reinforcement Kabiri Far, Bardia; Zanotti, Cristina


Effectiveness and durability of interventions on deficient concrete structures remain a major concern, comprising the challenge of old-to-new concrete compatibility and bonding, as stress concentrations and microstructural flaws at the old-to-new concrete interface compromise structural integrity and create migration paths for harmful contaminants. Fiber reinforcement can be beneficial, but proper quantification and mastering of fundamental mechanisms is required before these are fully utilized. A study is presented on Mode-I crack growth resistance at the interface between two concretes (substrate and repair). Countered Double Cantilever Beam tests are performed, crack growth resistance curves calculated (Modified Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics), and complemented with analysis of interfacial roughness and failure planes. Polyvinyl alcohol (8 and 12 mm length) and steel fibers (13 mm) are introduced in the repairs at 0.5% and 1% volume fractions. Results indicate that fibers improve fracture behavior of both the repair material and substrate-repair interface; correlations with interfacial roughness, crack deviation, and fracture parameters are discussed.

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