UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Celebrating 10 Years of Excellence in Cancer Prevention Research Gotay, Carolyn C., 1951-


Cancer is one of the leading threats to health in Canada and the world. While a large proportion of cancer can be prevented – 30-50% or even more - cancer prevention research has been under-studied, under-funded and under-applied. In recognition of the potential of cancer prevention research, and the need for directed resources, the Canadian Cancer Society British Columbia Yukon (CCS BCY) endowed a permanent Chair in Cancer Primary Prevention at The University of British Columbia (UBC) in 2008, with Dr. Carolyn Gotay as the inaugural Chair holder. The next step was to establish the Centre of Excellence in Cancer Prevention (CoECP), to build infrastructure and address some of the research gaps. The CoECP has been developed in a partnership between Dr. Carolyn Gotay at UBC, and the CCS BCY. The goals of the CoECP are to reduce cancer incidence and risk factors through new research, dissemination of existing knowledge, and by increasing connections among and between researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and the public. The CoECP has collaborated to develop programs in research, education, and knowledge exchange, all of which contribute to its potential to increase the scope, salience, and impact of cancer prevention research, and play a significant role in decreasing cancer incidence in Canada.

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