UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Ecosystem simulation models of Scotland's West Coast and sea lochs Haggan, Nigel; Pitcher, Tony


DIRECTOR’S FOREWORD (Daniel Pauly). ABSTRACT. PREFACE. MODEL STRUCTURE AND BALANCING (Lyne Morissette and Tony Pitcher). Abstract. Introduction. The Ecopath model. Model period and data sources. Species description. MODELLING SCOTLAND’S WEST COAST FISHERIES (Tony Pitcher, Shona Magill and Lyne Morissette). Abstract. Introduction. Fleets and data sources. MODEL CHARACTERISTICS AND PERFORMANCE (Lyne Morissette and Tony Pitcher). Abstract. Introduction. Main species, main prey. Predation and other mortality. Mixed trophic impacts. Comparison with the English Channel model. Model ‘Pedigree’. Uncertainty in the model. DYNAMIC SIMULATIONS WITH ECOSIM, Cameron Ainsworth. Abstract. Introduction.Feeding Time Adjustment. Equilibrium analysis. Testing biomass dynamics. SPATIAL SIMULATIONS WITH ECOSPACE (Tony Pitcher). Abstract. Introduction. Habitats. Spatial parameters for the model organisms and fisheries. Demonstration Ecospace Results. MODEL DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION (Nigel Haggan and Tony Pitcher). Abstract. Introduction. Discussion. Next Steps. Model development. Back to the Future on the West coast of Scotland. Essential Fish Habitat / Sustainable Marine Bioresources. Artificial reef colonisation. Sandeel/forage fish links with seabird breeding success. Impact of salmon and mussel farms on sea lochs. Sealice emulation model using Ecosim. Loch Etive - a unique repository of biodiversity. Nutrient loading, point source pollution. Ecotrace for Sellafield waste plume / Dounreay decommissioning. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. REFERENCES. APPENDIX 1. Ecopath Diet Matrix. APPENDIX 2. Prey-predator vulnerability settings.

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