Tailings and Mine Waste Conference

Static Liquefaction of Tailings : An Update on the Industry Funded TAILLIQ Research Project Fourie, Andy; Reid, David; Russell, Adrian; Rahman, Mizanur; Vinod, J.; Vo, Thanh


A major research project to investigate methods to determine the susceptibility of mine tailings to static liquefaction began in late 2017. The project is jointly funded by the Australian Research Council and six industry partners, and has four participating Australian Universities. This paper describes the key objectives of the project and the findings to date. Although the information is preliminary in nature, significant progress has already been made, as summarized in the paper. Field sampling has been completed at six sites designated by sponsoring partners, complemented by CPTu testing. The project includes extensive element testing, calibration chamber testing and geotechnical centrifuge testing using tailings from the sponsor sites recovered during the field work. Additional work includes numerical modeling, focusing on use of the Discrete Element Method for understanding the micromechanical behavior of material in both element tests. A key feature of the project is to improve and validate use of the CPTu for assessing liquefaction susceptibility of tailings. A novel aspect of this project is the investigation of methods for interpretation of CPTu data obtained above the phreatic surface, i.e. within unsaturated material. Preliminary information on some calibration chamber tests on unsaturated tailings from one of the sponsor sites is also presented.

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