Tailings and Mine Waste Conference

Numerical Analysis for the Stress-Strain Evaluation of the Conversion of a Conventional Slurry Tailings Storage Facility to Filtered Tailings Storage Facility, Considering Different Scenarios Vargas-Moreno, Carlos Omar; Guillén-Guillén, Jorge Bricio; Ramírez-Chávez, Rigoberto; Preciado, Humberto F.; Ang, Eduardo; Servigna, Daniel


This article presents numerical simulations to evaluate the stress-strain behaviour for the conversion of a conventional slurry tailings storage facility (TSF) to a filtered tailings storage facility (FTSF), considering various filtered tailings stacking scenarios, to evaluate deformation caused by undrained static loadings from the dry-stack on top of the slurry tailings stored in the TSF impoundment. A constitutive model was used to simulate the strain-softening behaviour of the previously deposited saturated slurry tailings, which are underlying the filtered tailings stack. The filtered tailings were simulated assuming various loading conditions derived from the proposed stacking plan, while the slurry tailings were defined and characterized based on results from recent site geotechnical investigations. The results of the analysis are presented based on the service state of the facility. In addition, the results of flow liquefaction risk triggering analysis for the different scenarios are presented.

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