Tailings and Mine Waste Conference

GISTM : Defining “Substantial” Conformance : Gold Fields’ Substantial Implementation of the GISTM at the Cerro Corona Mine in Peru and Tarkwa Mine in Ghana McNab, Louise; Boshoff, Johan; Gutierrez, Javier; Zegarra, Edwin; Honores, Diana; Mensa, Nathaniel Asifu; Rodriguez, Fernando; Rogers, Josh


The Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM) provides a framework for the safe and responsible management of tailings, aiming to prevent catastrophic failures and mitigate environmental and social impacts. The GISTM sets out criteria for “meet,” “partially meet,” and “does not meet” conformance with the Standard, but does not provide or define the term “substantial conformance.” This paper presents Gold Fields’ interpretation of the concept of substantial conformance and describes its journey towards achieving it at their Cerro Corona Mine in Peru and Tarkwa Mine in Ghana. This paper explains why Gold Fields rated many of their assets as “partially conformant” against several GISTM requirements in their Annual Tailings Disclosure Report. It also outlines the measures taken by the company to achieve substantial conformance. The benefits of achieving substantial conformance are highlighted, such as enhanced environmental and social performance and greater stakeholder trust. Finally, the paper concludes by highlighting the importance of transparent, ongoing collaboration and knowledge sharing between industry, academia, and regulators to improve tailings management practices globally.

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