Tailings and Mine Waste Conference

Mine waste management in wet, mountainous terrain : some British Columbia perspectives, part II : creating, managing and judging our legacy Martin, Todd E.


The mining industry in British Columbia is in the process of constructing a number of large mine waste impoundments contained by large dams, and given robust conditions within the industry, more such facilities are being planned. In many instances, these impoundments are required to maintain a state of permanent submergence to prevent acid rock drainage from the impounded tailings and waste rock. Much has been learned in how to properly characterize and manage these wastes, and how to construct the dams required to contain and flood them. British Columbia has made substantial contributions to this body of knowledge, experience, and evolving practice. What has been learned and incorporated into the construction of these mine waste impoundments will be the mining industry’s bequest to future generations. The principles of sustainability mandate that we consider fully, today and in the future, the nature of that bequest, how best to manage it, and how it is likely to come to be viewed, and managed, by future generations, for there is never an inopportune moment to step back and contemplate what we are doing today and planning for tomorrow. [All papers were considered for technical and language appropriateness by the organizing committee.]

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