British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium

Mine plan and reclamation program updates : a regulatory approach to reclamation and closure planning Stevens, Victoria; Antill, Tim


Under the Health, Safety and Reclamation Code for Mines in British Columbia (the Code), mines are required to submit updated Mine Plan and Reclamation Program Updates (5 Year Mine Update) to the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation (EMLI) at least every 5 years. The content of 5 Year Mine Updates is outlined in both the Code, as well as most Mines Act permits; however, many proponents are unclear on the level of detail and purpose for the 5 Year Mine Updates. A new EMLI guidance document will provide proponents with direction on developing effective update reports. Titled “Developing a Five Year Reclamation and Liability Update for Mines in British Columbia”, the guidance document provides proponents with detailed information on developing Five Year Reclamation and Liability Updates, or 5YRLUs, that fulfill Code and permit requirements. While the 5YRLU is a compliance requirement, and a checkpoint for tracking progress of what was approved during the permitting process against current conditions, EMLI’s primary interests in these submissions is to determine the current site reclamation status; review proposed reclamation and closure progression, design, implementation, and monitoring; and to update the reclamation security bond based on existing site liabilities. It is also an opportunity to review updated Reclamation and Closure Plans and ensure that information from sources such as reclamation research, water quality modelling predictions, closure design reports, and End Land Use planning with Indigenous Nations are incorporated into the updated plan. The outcome of 5YRLUs can vary from no changes to the permit, to an amendment of the permit to update the reclamation security bond value, update permit language to be more enforceable, and potentially to add new conditions, if required, to fill regulatory gaps identified during the review process.

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