International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP) (12th : 2015)

Application of a scenario-based assessment framework for the seismic resilience of seaports Burden, Lindsay Ivey; Shafieezadeh, Shafieezadeh


This study is an application of a previously developed framework for assessing seismic resilience in infrastructure systems. The risk and resilience framework, accounts for uncertainties in the process including the correlation of the earthquake intensity measures, fragility assessment of structural components, estimation of repair requirements, the repair process, and finally the service demands. The framework, which as already been applied within a case study for the seismic resilience of a seaport, has been extended to show the utility of and results that can be produced when the methodology is used to compare various infrastructure system mitigation options. This study, which also uses seismic resilience in seaports as a case study, compares two operational mitigation options within the methodology: series repair sequencing post-earthquake versus parallel repair sequencing post-earthquake. Results of this analysis show that for a large earthquake event, repair sequencing done in parallel results in a more resilient infrastructure system than for series repair sequencing. The proposed methodology will allow port stakeholders a means to quantitatively compare mitigation options and their overall effect on the seaport system.

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