International Construction Specialty Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (ICSC) (5th : 2015)

Scheduling refresher-based rescue and evacuation training for wind turbine technicians Lawani, Kenneth; Hare, Billy; Cameron, Iain


The adage “once trained, always trained” is a recognized myth. A look at the refresher skill training of wind technicians show that rescue and evacuation skills deteriorate over a period of time of non-practice. Therefore, the importance of safe and efficient rescue and evacuation of wind turbine technicians working at height cannot be over emphasized. An evaluation of the wind technicians’ skill and knowledge proficiency in the use of rescue and evacuation devices after acquisition indicates that poor retention of technician skill in the safe and procedural execution of a rescue during an emergency is a potential problem that is yet to be addressed. This research quantitatively assesses if wind turbine technicians are capable of retaining knowledge and skills learned over a 24 month period, evaluates pre-acquisition, acquisition and follow-up primary measurements at retention intervals of one and three months and proposes a refresher timeframe and benchmark performance that can maximize the proficiency level of technicians. Due to the infrequent nature of practically carrying out on-the-job rescue and evacuation roles, there is a likelihood of skill and knowledge decay in times of significant emergencies except where there is a support system available to the technicians. Possible solutions to overturn these problems are discussed based on the data obtained during the study. Draft results were used to propose a refresher timeframe and benchmark performance that can maximize the proficiency of technicians to an acceptable level as guidelines for management towards scheduling safe wind turbine rescue and evacuation training.

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