International Construction Specialty Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (ICSC) (5th : 2015)

Identifying factors affecting motivation of construction crew workers Raoufi, Mohammad; Fayek, Aminah Robinson


Motivation is a critical factor affecting construction crew performance. Motivation arises from various internal and external factors such as self-efficacy, assigned goals, and other sources. On construction and industrial projects, workers usually work in crews; thus, performance factors such as productivity are mostly measurable at the crew level. Crew motivation is one factor impacting crew performance. However, it is difficult to define and measure crew motivation in construction, due to the uniqueness and dynamism of the construction environment. Additionally, motivational factors may be described in the form of subjective or objective data. Therefore, a method of measurement is required to systematically and explicitly measure each factor affecting crew motivation and therefore performance. This paper reviews theories and models of motivation that have been developed in research domains other than construction. Next, it overviews motivation literature within the construction domain, and discusses shortcomings of these current approaches. From the literature review, the key factors affecting crew motivation are identified. Finally, the paper proposes a method of measuring crew motivation. The findings and methods presented in this paper will help to define and

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