@prefix ns0: . @prefix edm: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix dc: . @prefix skos: . @prefix geo: . ns0:identifierAIP "aabc62cc-0237-49c9-9bdc-5c9e1db993f8"@en ; edm:dataProvider "CONTENTdm"@en ; dcterms:alternative "[The Prince Rupert Optimist]"@en ; dcterms:isPartOf "BC Historical Newspapers"@en ; dcterms:issued "2015-12-10"@en, "1911-06-14"@en ; edm:aggregatedCHO "https://open.library.ubc.ca/collections/princero/items/1.0227657/source.json"@en ; dc:format "application/pdf"@en ; skos:note """ ��*���' THE WEATHER Twenty-four hours ending 5 a. m., June 14. .._. ti.'mi* MIS. TBMP. ���**��� IN. RAIN M460.0 42.0 29.992 ... ^ ;UL��7���� Ss^VCTORl AILY NEWS NEXT MAILS FOR South Princess Royal Friday u. m. For Nohtii State of California, Wednesday, p.m. Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist VOL. II, NO. 133 Prince Rupert, B.C.. Wednesday, June 14. 1911. Price Five Cents NIMH InfJ NEW ZEALAND'S PREMIER WANTS A CLOSER UNION Supplements His Efforts at the Conference by a Speech at the Colonial Institute���Uniform Accident Compensation Laws Are Decided Upon. Uniform Laws Needed During the day the Imperial (Canadian Press Despatch) London, June 14.���A strong plea for closer union of the parts ,i( the Empire was made by Premier Ward of New Zealand at the Colonial Institute last night. He said that a meeting of the premiers once in four years was nm enough. The present system excluded 15,000,000 people from full Imperial citizenship. In the hour iif national peril, he declared, neither Great Britain, nor her children could stand alone. Closer union, and especially closer union for defence was a vital necessity. Conference devoted itself largely to the task of considering uniform laws for the Empire. Resolutions were passed favoring uniformity in the laws relating to accident compensation, and for reciprocal measures regarding the deportation of undesirables. The Conference also adopted a resolution favoring the principle of Imperial naturalization urtder an open act with the view of securing uniformity of recognition of British citizenship throughout the Empire. DAY ATHLETICS BIG PROGRAM PROMISED Will be Water Sports, Land Sports, Racing, Wrestling, Gay Decorations and Bright Music���Energetic Committees Have Taken Charge��� Cyril H. Orme is President. Dominion Day sports arc to bc thc event of the summer in tlie athletic and out of door enter, tainment line in Prinee Rupert. In tin- new police court room last m^lii .1 goodly gathering of enthu- "i.i-N got together to discuss the programme, and committees were appointed to carry out tlie arrangements for a well organised day's athletics. Land and Water Sports There will be land and water f��r the even ts, as well as approaches i" it will be brightly decorated. I'he committees appointed consist ol the Lind Sports Committee, the Aquatic Committee, and Printing, Music, and Decoration Com- nuttaCcs, A General Committee "' many members is formed to look alter the interests of the holiday in the most comprehensive waj possible. Ai President for the whole of *���**��� organisers Cryil H. Orme has been appointed with William God- ���on as Secretary. Composing the General Commit fe are, J. R. Beatty, Rev. W. H. McLeod, Rev. Father Hartman, W. H. Pett�� Few, II- F. Sinclair, L. W.utgh, Dr. Tremayne, G. W. Nickerson, J- Cargill, K. W. Keeley, L. Wppcn, J. J. Sloan, AV. Music Committee: J. S. Gray W. L. Barker antl William Gixlson. Decorations: I.. Crippen, W. N. Lailey, A. T. Parkin, Jerry Miller, Fire Chief Mclnnis, H. W. Blake- ly, A. Ward antl T. Trotier. Reception Committee As Reception Committee will act Government Agent J. II. McMullin, also the Mayor, and members of the city council. Various ideas in relation tti the day's entertainment and the convenience of thc athletes in the various events were discussed tentatively, but the main work of organisation lies with the energetic committees appointed. It was especially emphasised that all those desiring to lake part in any of the athletic events in the land and water s|x>ris shoultl give notice at once to either J. R. Beatty at the Westholme Lumber Co.'s building or to W. A. Pettigrew. As Chairman at last night's meeting Cyril II. Orme proved himself efficient and popular as ever. ^\\ i"". J- J. Moan, /VV. N [-'iley.J.H. Kugler, H.B. Camp Wl, A. J. Prudhomnfe, S. p Macdonald, R. Black, Neil McKay, fil '���'"'rY. J. D. Allen/and R (amcron Harrup, G. W. . P. mL r Special Committees I lu- other special * committees ;i" made up as folloW^ Finance Committee M. P. McCam.p, j. D. Allen "**��� W.Cameron. '''"'"idsCommittee: A.J.Prud- njmme, A. E. McMaster, Dan WCKInnon antl Dr. McNeill. , Anting Committee: S.D.Mac- J"*" ()- H. Nelson. B,��*. and Neil Maclcay., Picnic Tomorrow I If the weather is good, you may have an easy chance to go to N.' Metlakatla tomorrow evening. The Presbyterian young people are having several launches ready at the wharf tomorrow evening and extend a cordial invitation to everybody who would enjoy a bonfire, a picnic-supper, with a game of ball on the sand, and a moonlight trip home at ten o'clock. Definite announcement regarding thc exact hour of leaving will be made tomorrow. The ladies are asked to bring the provisions and each gentleman will pay seventy-five cents to cover the cost of the launches. launch will probably leave .p.m., and the other at 0.15. One at W. D. Social and Personal Mrs. J. s. Cowper will receive on Thursday nor until further notice.' not again HE BROKE INTO A PEST HOUSE Montreal Man May Get Infected���Scared the Cops Who Arrested Him. (Cai adian Press Dispatch) Montreal, June 11.���Albert Anderson, a Montreal man, last nighl broke into a shed at the smallpox hospital, covered himself with blankets antl went to sleep. When arrested antl about to be placed in u cell the circumstances became k.' own' ar.d a panic followed. The policeman refused to move thc prisoner who was segregated to a tlark room in a cellar. 1 BASEBALL SCORES Northwestern League Tacoma 8, Seattle 3. Vancouver 6, Victoria 4. Spokane 4, Portland 1. National League Ncw York 5, Cincinnati 2. Chicago 5, Boston 1. Philadelphia 2, St. Louis 1(1. Pittsburg I, Brooklyn 3. American League St. Louis 0, -Philadelphia B. Cleveland 1, New York 5. Pacific Coast League San Francisco 0, Sacramento 2. Los Angeles 1, Oakland 2. BATTLE IS ON FOR RECIPROCITY Bill was Reported Today Without Recommendation. Long Seige Expected in the Senate. (Canadian Press Despatch) Washington, June 14.���A long seige, with the battle on closely drawn lines is clearly the fate of the Canadian Rreciprocity bill which was rcportetl in the Senate this morning by the Finance Committee. As was expected, it was rcportetl without recommendation. Both favorable antl adverse views have been expressetl, and a long siege is certain. LAUNCH AND FOUR MEN RESCUED JUST IN TIME Were Picked up off Digby Island by The Beaver---Engine Broke Down and For 36 Hours They Were Without Food or Drink���Had Made Paddles Out of Driftwood A Narrow Escape. Carved Rough Paddles Five prospectors going to Hazelton in a new gasoline launch which left Prince Rupert last Friday were towed back lo the D^vis wharf yesterday after a miserable and most dangerous experience. When off the mouth of tht Skeena iheir engine broke down. Without airs, paddles or mast they were left entirely at tlie mercy of wind, wave, and tide. They had brought only enough provisions to take theni to Port Fssinglon where they had in* tended to stock up for the river trip, antl they had not a single drop of water to drink. For thirty-six hours they drifted out in the sound suffering from hunger and thirst, and making anxious efforts to put the engine right, or to propel the boat otherwise. Strong titles run there, and the launch was drifted off shore Steadily. Out of some driftwood floating around, antl from bits of plank from the boat fittings, they contrived uncouth paddles chopped into rough shape with jack knives. A tarpaulin was nailed lo a heavy strip of |'l.mi they found, and raised on another beam to do duty as a sail. But with the wind off shore, the sail only helped drive thc disabled bbat farther from help. Slicking stubbornly to iheir paddles the five men took turns at the work, antl after thirty-six hours' anxiety managed to make progress. At three o'clock yesterday morning their plight was seen, antl they were towed into the shelter of Digby Island by tlie launch Beaver. From there they were towed over to the Davis wharf where their engine was repaired. Lake Francis Launch The five men are I.. B. Cook, owner of the launch antl leader of the party, G. C. Jordan, Jim Burke, G. Teasdalc, and F. A. Geddell. They left this morning with supplies, long oars, a mast and sail, and plenty of water stocked in case of further mishap. With tlie launch they are bound for the Francis Lake district. The boat is to be used there for ferrying. It is a 22-ft. launch of shallow draught for lake work, anil has an 8 H.P. engine. Well suited for lake or river work the launch is not built for sen service, antl there can be no doubt lhat hatl the weather been at all rough this week-end off lhe Skeena, it would have swamped antl the party woultl probably have drowned. SAILORS IN BOSTON WILL NOT JIN THE STRIKE Such is the Statement Made By The Secretary of The International Seamen's Union at That Port���Strike Proclamation is Posted on the Antwery Docks (Canadian Press Despatch) Boston, June 14.���The seamen on British ships now in the United States will not strike in response to the call which was issued in England yesterday calling on all seamen to go on strike June I Sth. The statement that they will not strike is given on the authority of the Secretary of thc International Seamen's Union. Manifesto Issue Antwerp.���The Seamen's Union havc posted manifestoes over the waterfront here proclaiming a general strike of seamen calling on all seamen to join in the great strike. This taken with the proclamation of the Southampton Seamen's Union is accepted as evidence that the long talked of general strike of sailors is to take place. A HEROINE S DEATH Eliza Hicks Died in Trying to Save Her Brother London, June 11.���In an effort to save the life of her brother Warren, who was overcome by gas in a well in Westminster township today, Fliza Hicks was asphyxiated in the well along with her brother. WITH MASONIC HONORS CAPT. SMITH WAS BURIED Funeral to Garden Island Was Attended by Many Well Known Members of the Craft Rev. W. G. James Chaplain of the Order Conducted the Services DAY OF PROMISE SEES FIRST REAL TRAINS In Business-like Style But With An Enthusiastic Send Off The First Passenger Train Pulls Out For Copper River One Hundred Miles East. lsMgned thier post Indoor Baseba**"' Prehijer Hot^rtam vs. Bro- therhood>����^ent8 tonight at the Auditorium. C&mwaalled at 8.30 sharp. Admission 25c. Today marks an epoch in the History of the Grand Trunk Railway and of Frince Rupert. The first passenger train Eastbound from ,111c Pacific Coast terminal pulled out with clang of bell antl hissing blast of steam at one p.m. Al .crtjwd of the live citizens of PJ-imf Rupert gave the train a sdndiiff at the wharf depot, where btforft long will be built the per- tijanJn^ railway station. Numbers of IM divest live ones boarded the traiii to make the first trip, fpr tickets were on sale on board ifs well as at thc G. T. P. booking Jffice. / Trusty Railway Men Engine 108 had the honor of hauling the first trainload of booked passengers. In charge of the (rfgbie was Driver E, Nehring, senior engine driver on the iiioun- lain division of the G. T. P., a servant of the company of long standing and valued reliability and experience. Taking care/of the train and passengers was ( inductor F. Chesley, senior t inductor for the mountain division, another trusted employee of f^it company's. To these two me General Supertaetendent Mehan confidently of honor. No display of bunting was made in connection with thc train, but there was a gay antl festive air about lhe starting all thc same. Railway men and citizens alike realise that this train heralds the coming great esttlay of all when the firsl transcontinental train is saluted. Today's train took for the first 10(1 miles tip river about 200 passengers. The train was made up of two passenger cars, brake van, Gem ml Superintendent Mehan's private car, antl several freight cars. It pulled out at one p.m. antl was scheduled tt) reach Copper River shortly after nine tonight. A number of citizens went as far as Inverness from which point a steamer was available to take them back to Prince Rupert this evening. SOME CHAMPION LOCAL BOWLERS Prince Rupert's All Star Team Shows International Championship Form. In a match between the G. T. P. bowling team, antl an all-star team of local bowlers, the all-stars, composed of Stenstrom, Frankc, McMillan, Morrison antl Akcn- burt;, beat the G. T. P. team by 2730 to 2010. The G. T, P. team was composed of Messrs* Crendall, Melville, Holtby, Matler antl Edy. Ill making the score of 2730 the all-star team made a score only beaten by one team in the great Canadian Bowling Tournament, In Toronto last year, when lhe Dominions captured the cham- End of Season Sale ptbnshlp wilh a score of 2783. For three days we will offer jThyy easily exceeded the score what is left of our Spring Millinery ' if .the Dttroit Samaritans, the With Masonic honors the body of the late Captain Tom Smith of the city police department was buried this afternoon. Deceasetl was a member of the Unity Masonic Lodge of Adelaide, South Australia. He had not been associ- ated with the Tsimpsean Masonic Lodge, Prince Rupert, but as soon as they were informed that he wasa Mason, J. H. Thompson, Senior Warden, and J. Christiansen, Secretary of thc Lodge, took charge of the funeral arrangements and cabled thc Secretary of the Unity Lodge, Adelaide, to communicate with any of Captain Smith's relatives there. Funeral Service The funeral service was held in the Anglican Church at 1 p.m At half-past twelve thc members of the Tsimpsean Lodge convened at the Masonic Hall, antl proceeded to the church where Rev. Mr. James, Chaplain of the Lodge, reatl the funeral services. Afterwards the coffin was taken by launch to Garden Islaiul for interment, accompanied by members of the Masonic fraterniity. Due Masonic rites were observed throughout the services. Pall Bearers Many of those who knew the late Captain Smith attended his funeral. As pall bearers acted Messrs. J. G. Scott, J. E. Gilmore, E. A. Morrison, A. J. Morris, George Tite, and Dr. II. F. Tremayne. Members of the City Police Force who knew the deceased best arc unfortunately at Victoria attending the strike trial, but Chief Vickers attended mi behalf of the Force. PRUDHOMME CASE HAS BEEN ARGUED License Commissioners Appeal was Heard by the Court of Appeals Yesterday. (Special to the Daily News! Victoria, June 14.���The appeal of the License Commissioners of the City of Prince Rupert against the decision of Mr. Justice Clement renewing the license of A. J. Prudhomme for the Savoy Hotel was argued before the Court of Appeal yesterday afternoon. The judges were Chief Justice Macdonald, Mr. Justice Irving. Mr. Justice Martin antl Mr. Justice Galliher. Mr. C. M. Craig appeared for the License Commissioners and Mr. C. M. Woodworth opposed on behalf of Mr. Prudhomme. Judgment was reserved, but owing to the urgency of the case il is likely that the court will give judgment within a few days. Do you like g-ood Tea? If you do, callTtT Hl'ill��i4iJjgj|kery Lunch in the EmpresjJUJfatrebasement FORESTERS CONVENTION MAT WELLS WINS AGAIN This Time the British Light. weight Beat Pat Moore Philadelphia. Catholic Order is Now in Session in Spokane Delegates From B. C. (Canadian Press Despatch) Sopkane, June 11. The sixth bi-annual state convention of the Catholic Order of Foresters opened here this morning, there being twenty-two officers ami delegates present from Washington, Idaho md British Columbia. _ \\ For a good custom made suit go to Rudnick & Sweder, 1 lelgerson Block Basement, Sixth street. goods al ridiculously small prices to clear. We aim to have all ncw goods for each season. For prices sec our window.���Hamlin & Co., change Block. runhers-Up in that event, who mafic a score of 2(HW. The G.T. P. team with their score of 2010 was only beaten by eight teams in llje whole lorunament. (Canadian Press Despatch) Boston, June 14.���Before a big I crowd of Boston sports, Mat Wells the Champion lightweight boxer of England, was given the decision last night over Pat Moore f Philadelphia, at the end of the twelfth round. Wells made a I good showing all through the|AUDnOMU^thA^��e^Mo�� ^Where to Go EMPRESS THEATRE, Second Ave PictureB and Music, 7.30 p.m. MAJESTIC THEATRE, Third Ave; Pictures and songs, 7.30 p.m. PHENIX THEATRE, Second Aveuue; Pictures antl music, 7.30 p.m. contest. Crescents, S p.m. THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News Formerly The Prince Ruperl Optimist PublUhed by th* Prince Rupert PuMi.hing Company, Limited DAILY AN. WEEK] V SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daili .'���.'. per month, or $6.00 per year, in advance, Weekly, $2.00 per year Octstoh Canada Daily, $8.00 peryear; Weekly, $8.60 per year, >ir:.-:.> :������ t,.-.\\ (....-. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVBRTIS NC El -a :^ per Inch. Contract rates on application. HEA'.-> OFFICE Dally News Build _ .'--.-,.. . ������-. B. C. Telephone 98, BRANCH OFFICES iNl AGENCIES New York -Nstiona Newspaper Bor��i i*l 28rd St., New York City. Seatti.k Pugel Soui d Newt Co, LaiND.iN. ESNOLAKO -Thi C Mgbet Syi ...:s.'-. Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. "The newspaper, with the law, ibould assume the accused innocent until proven guilty; sh.vj.j t>-> the fr:e:..:. not the enemy of the general public; the defender, not :r.< Invader of private life and the assailant of personal character, lt should he, as it were, a keeper of the public conscience." ���Henry Watterson, Daily Edition. Wednesday, June 14 THE CITY COUNCIL. THE LICENSE COMMISSIONERS AND MR. PRUDHOMME Tlie full significance of the council's amazing action in voting public money in their efforts to prevent Mr. A. J. Prudhomme from securing a renewal of his license lor the Savoy Hotel, should not be lost upon the public. It means thai in an attempt to prevent the members of the License Board from receiving the natural consequences of their unlawful act, their friends on the city council have determined to drag in the city antl light the forlorn hope with the citizens' money. Possibly they hope thai when the courts are called upon to state who are responsible for tlie loss that Mr. Prudhomme has suffered, by some meajis or .mother the bill may fall upon the citizens. It looks suspiciously like the policy that was enunciated at the previous secret meeting, when ii was proposed to unload all responsibility for the strike upon the Dominion authorities hy calling in 11. M. C. S. Rainbow, li is to be hoped that die present policy may meet with like success. Iii the case of the Rainbow a similar disregard was shown as t" tlie financial consequences to the city. Many people were prepared for unusual action when it became noised about town that a secret meeting of several members of the council had been held on Saturday night, followed by Mayor Manson's departure from town before the council met, for Mr. Manson has a surprising habit of disappearing when important things are to bc done. He kept away on private business until the council had got the liquor law altered to permit the hotels to keep open till midnight He was away during the Rainbow incident. He was nowhere to be seen on the day of the riot. It is not charged that the Mayor was actually hiding under the bed, but his absence on that occasion was so noticeable lhat it was a general jest round town thai the Mayor had handed authority over to Chief Nickers and was seeking safe seclusion. It is nonsense to pretend that the city council are so anxious to know the precise aspects of the law so closely that it is worth spending a lot of money to find it all out. If they want to know what the precise aspects of the law ��re on the matter, they can find il in Mr. Justice Clement's judgment and mandamus. That honorable judge, well learned in the law which he is sworn to impartially dispense, went into the whole matter very closely, and gave it as his opinion that "There is no doubt in my mind that the refusal to grant the renewal was for reasons other than that claimed on behalf of the commissioners." He followed that up by a mandamus addressed to the commissioners by their names, saying: "WHEREFORE, we being willing thai due and speedy justice should be done in tlie premises, as is reasonable, do peremptorily command you, the said Board <>f License Commissioners . . .to grant said Alexander Janus Prudhomme. . .a license . . .in renewal of the license previously held. . .without the insertion in Mich license of any condition, lest by your default the same complaint should br repeated to us. . ." If tin- License Commissioners choose to take the risk of deciding who shall antl who shall not have licenses, for "other than those reasons claimed on behalf of the commissioners," that is their own risk. Any fool knows lhat il is a risky business to monkey with the law. The legal regulations upon which licenses can In: issued and refused are clearly laid down in the statutes. If the members of the License Hoard care tn take the risk ot In ing a law unto themselves, they may. Hut On ' ity council cannot plead in the face of Mr. Justit-f Clement's decision that they are justified in voting ihe citizens' money���some td it A. J. Prudhommc's mom y in an effort in prevent Mr. Prudhomme from earning a living. 11 i> no secret thai Alderman Newton is responsible for the editorial utterances of ,i certain local newspaper. The similarity in the obtusencss of outlook ami turgidity of thought between Aldermai Newton's speeches and the editorial articles in question .point to their common parent. For the reason that his written articles are rarely Bensible, we do not noticr thun. Hul an article which appeared in Alderman Newton's paper a few hours before he voted lhe citizens' money to fighl Mr. Justice Clement's judgmenl is worth quoting. It is a characteristic reply to a series of articles which appeared in this column on the economics of the (',. T. P. assessment agreement. Says Alderman Newton editorially: "It tloes seem a pity that a consummate ass should be permitted to make such belittling references concerning those who strove to effect the best settlement possible rather than waste a lot of the people's money in fighting law suits. . . A small bunch of narrow minded politicians are prepared to even sacrifice the city's besl interests for damnable party advantage. Politics are all ri^ht in their place, lml when they conflict wilh lhe Welfare of thr eily. we say away with them." With the exception of tin- first clause in the leading sentence, wc would apply ilu-whole qui it,-it ion to lit Alderman Newton's action. We would not call him a consummate ass, for hr is not that. He is merely a sinipleminded gentleman, with strong convictions, but little exact knowledge of anything. Nor Would we limit Alderman Newton's freedom of ��peech���at least nol until the city can afford to support a permanent opera company with a funnier low comedian. But we do heartily endorse his stronu statement of the iniquity .,( the city being plunged int., law suits k, suit. . . some narrow-minded politicians. . . for damnable party advantage. How .1,, the citterns feel aboul it. That means you. SEE TO SEALS IN THESE SEAS H. M. S. Shearwater Sails from Esquimalt for the Behring Sea This Month. About the entl of this month or the beginning of next, II. M. S. Shearwater will leave Esquimalt for the Behring Sea lo look after British interests during the sealing season. The sloop-of-war is now preparing for her trip to the north. Japan has also decided to send a vessel acros* to look after that nation's interests. 'Hie cruiser Naniwa lefi Hakodate on May l antl will proceed lirst to the Kain- schatka coast antl Copper Islands. She is expected to reach the scene of the sealing activities towartls the close of this month. Five revenue cutters are to protect the interests of the United States, four already having been sent north, and the other, the Rush, now awaits orders at Seattle. If pelagic sealing is not stopped as a result of the donference being held at Washington it is rcportetl that the American government will send a cruiser into Behring Sea to assist the revenue cutters. DECK HANDS OF AMUR LOSE CASE FARMERS PREFER ARTS OF PEACE ,m^trm^^mm*.mm. .,mm..**mm,.*^**^*'fm.****m'*i' FRE Rural Regiments Said to Have Hired 300 Men to Bring "P Their Strength. (Canadian Press Dispatch) Niagara, June 11. A sensation is promised in the Niagara Camp this year, owing to the discovery today that more than ****** "f llu' raral militia in camp here are men recruited in Toronto from along the docks and in the cheap lodging houses. These are said to be hired for two wu ks by Borne of the commanders in order to bring the regiments up to their required strength for camp purposes. Kor all kindl waiters, dlthWI ten, all kinils ii chanlci, eall up LAND PURCHASE NOTICE LAND PURCHASE N Phon^No. 17JK ii/nill at the >y * R L.BQRDEN IS COMING Leaves for the West on Thursday for a Campaign Tour (Canadian Press Despatch) Ottawa, June II. Mr. R. L. Borden who returned here from Halifax on Sunday night, is to .leave for the West on Thursday. Accompanying him will be a number of Conservative speakers. S.S. SENATOR REACHES NOME C. P. R. Crews Must Handle j Negotiated Ice Fields and Man- Cargo on Sundays According aged to Land Four Hundred to Agreement Signed by Men. | Passengers and Much Freight Judge Mclnnes has dismissed thc second test case brought against the Canadian Pacific Railway by the tleek hands on the companya coasting vessels, on the ground that under written articles signed by the men, handling cargo on Sunday was work which they agreed to tlo. The lirst case brought by the men was against the ortlers given to deck hands to shift cargo on Sunday on ll ��� Princess Victoria. The action.was brought under the Ciuiadian Act antl as the Princess Victoria was registered under the Imperial Shipping Act. (Canadian Press Despatch) None. Alas.. , June 14.���The steamer Senator from Seattle arrived last evening with four hundred passengers and a heavy cargo of fr.ight. The v. sst I's arrival was welcomed, f' r supplies are short. The steamer Umatilla from San I'erancisco is outside the harbor, working her way through lhe itt fields to yet in. She is reported to have four hundred passengers on board. 'Ry ro\\\\>hna'ts and launches teleybiflT^- 220 green. Davis' Judge Mclnnes dismissed the case. T&at House. In ortler that there shoultl be n misunderstanding tin- second time, another case was brought in which the name of C. Tucke, a deckhand on the Amur, duly registered under | thr Canadian laws was used. The Amur employed on the run! between Victoria aid Port Ss- Bington and while at that place and also at I'rinci. Rupert, lhe men were ordered to move cargo on Sunday antl when they refused were replacetl by other men antl upon arrival in Vancouver were discharged from the company's service. SAVOY HOTEL FrRM��r��nil Fifth Street* Tho only hotel in town wlUi hot aiufreAtd water in room*. Brut furm��h����4 h��ar��e north of Vnncouver. KiMjmt ��'c Wf^Vhone 37; P.O. Box 129. PKt'hiiutfint A- ii urn Proprietor* New Knox Hotel BOUGHT FIRST TICKET BESNER & bksnbr, Proprietors Read The Daily News And Get All the News Arthur Little Claimant for Unique Honor To Arthur C. Little, proprietor of the most famous news stand in Northern British Columbia, goes the honor of buying the lirst railroad ticket on the Grand Trunk Pacific, to travel east on the main line from Prince Rupert. This morning Mr. Little was on hand at the G. T. P. ticket ollict and asked for a return ticket to Copper Kiver, as far as the train will travel, which is 100 miles easl. "Four dollars and live cents one way," said Mr. A. E. McMaster, the agent, who claims the distinction of selling the first railroad ticket in this city for the company, Soon after Mr. Little had gol his ticket he was offered !$.r> above the purchase price and later ��10 was offered. "Not for Bale," said Mr. Little, "I am one of the pioneers here antl said I would be a passenger on the first train going easl. on the G. T. P. main line. The number of the ticket is 25538. SIR WILFRID IS ILL (Canadian Press Despatch) London, June 14, The Morning Post announces this morning thai Sir Wilfritl Laurier has been ordered tO remain indoors for a few days owing to his having contracted an affection of the throat. ; Tho Nn,' Knox Ila,t,- ' ,aUn. KirM-i-lam, t*t*ri I Improvement.. In run on tho BuiOpMn e. All th* I ni- a \\l .i. - ��� :-:- UKl>S U-c VV FIRST A VENT K. PRINCE Kfl'KKT Windsor Hotel KIHST AVKNUK AT EIGHTH STIIKKT Newly Fvrnithed snd j Steam Heated Room* -f A KlltST CLASS BAH AMT> DINING ROOM IN CONNECTION T i.ll UBNTS AND VI' RATB8 IIATHS wfr.E TO GUESTS ROBT. JSHLAND P.O. BOX 37 ROGERS & BLACK WIUII.SSALE DEAI.EU0 IN��� Building M.H.-rial, Client, Lime, Hair-fibre Plaster, Cdke, Blackamitli Coal, Comnn Brick, I'rrsat/d Brick Shingles, Lath/New Wellington Coal AI.I. OBDBU PROMPTLY F\\LLED Sec Us for hires. - Phon* No. 116 \\ a ,,! ..i.��� -Dlitriot ni Com! Ranga BkMna **���*"��� *>>*''*' v,,/, Manilla.... ol Prinot 'laku goUoo Him ���* .,, w������������i, Intandi Rupart, 11, (-, owupsUon mjnj"�� , ,���Uowi���K to upply lair purilll-a-ila'" '���' puruiiu*. to upply lur peri duacriliuil landa; ntantod it a pmt at tho Iomnwncni! ul ���' I"*' >""'���, .���.,, -j _���;, comer ���ojftwaat corner, ��u ;*��"�� ���� "g ,* nutria, ol Lot UU, H��"W,'0ffi*'Urn-si north A urn mon or lou. ANNU.: MUSSALLEM lluli-al Muy *, 1911, mn**,* I'ub. Muy 13. Ita!^pw4*^��g?tttt ol ooeupstion clerk, iuii'iiJ to io purehue the billowing Tuko notloa thw Prlnoe Kupert. u. * spply lor parmlaaloi JitCrlbad lamln: . , ,,������, lw0 n.iiw, MscinrtAy& JB �����tm- thencaa norlh BO Chltnl. thonoo "TICK BkMM Land Diitrict--Ulatricl ol Coaut ii , . Tuke notioe unit i, Clara May i.i . 5T?��5 Uupert, ll. C. occuputiun ipfmte, n ���,',"'" upply lor pnrmliiiun to purcliiine ,!,_ .5 -lg ���Jtwrlbeit lunda: * '""lowtOj Comraenolnji ut u poat plunteil st thn ,, ., weat comer ol Lot IT85, Attn. " i:��, ,,, ""' thence uiiat 40 chuina. thencu north 115 it, i' tlience woat 31 eliuili1 thonoo norU, Jo , \""" thenco weat 10 chuina, thsnee louth 48 ehiSr? point ot commencement, oontalnlni IP .more or lesa. " wwi ll.ll.a.1 Apl.l i, mu. I'uh. April 10. CLAIU MAV LITTLE jast U0 chuina, ��� weal fit) chnina. ?***<**' TUOMAS MeMBBKtN Kruncia S. l'roalon. Auent Datad April la. Hll Pub. Miu- 13. L UMK ff. KEELEY tD RETAIL DRUGGIST P. 0. Box .r>S0 /itl.NCE R^ERT. B. C. ++++4*+++++++*^++'M'++++'l"��'+ J W. >. JcCUTCHEON f Csrriea cgrt-ipleto atdak of DruKB. Speciul u't-aiili'in pnaai to Illlhl^Iirracrilataaana. Theilre Block phonk no. rf Smuid Ave. ���+���*++���++++++++++++++++��������� Ski.oi'1 Unal Ilialrict -Diatrict ol Cuaaiur Tuke Vou .vi .. I, Ohsrlei L Dalgtovaol Staw- luke no.. . I , . oclu. ;,���,.���! ,��� npply lor pern,i.��ion li purchuao tho following deucrlbeil IU'i"'nmmasnalnl at u post plsntsd about aix milea iuuihi.ie .SU "wS al the lorka ol the While SidI Flal rivera. thonei aoulh B0 cliaina. thinoe SLt bO chain., lli.i.cc K��h 00 chuina, thonco woat DuieaTApril 10, mil. 0EAELBS.DBLOEOVB I'uh. May 13. Fruncia S. Praaalon, Ajjont Skeenu Land Dialrici -District ol Couat ltango 6 Take n.alico that 1. J- "amid Mckean of Pr nee Kupert, 11. C., occupalon bluckam th, intend to ���pply lor porui saion io purchuao the lollowini; deacr bod landa: , . . ._ j Commencinii at a poat planted about throe nnd one half mllea U atunl ill u aoulh weaterly dlroolioia Ira.m a bliii'l alough Irum Obaervnlory Inlot whore the aame lunches the Ind an Iteaervo, thonco wost SO chaina, ihonco aouth SO chu na, thonco eaat SO chalna, thanea north SO chuna tu pont ol com- nienconicnl, contaiuini! 010 acroa more or loaa. Uuled Apr I 11. UU. J- 11A110LU McKI-.AN 7, Rochester ^ 7 Monroe Lady smith k '��' Cr al \\: P'iO.'JEMS FOR SALE Lotl S aiKl li, Block lit, St'L'ttQll 1. $3tKKi, 25 per cent, cash, lialunt'u 1, 2, :< vc.ir-. 7 par cent. GEO. W. MORROW 1076 Nelson St., Vancouver, B.C. BILLIARDS and POCL l BOWLING, ft A Alloy*. TTnMf!.. A k����"1 WXU* t* rtMv Aetcnti *p��rt. L.-Hlk'K rvvry *% nfti-rnomi. Ncwmtin Hlock, U- 9* \\mm_Wmmh anil Tth St*. V TKD Mttrihi.iiin, l'ni|irit't��>r uml Munnjr ^4444444444444444444444444 BkMU Un.i District���District ol Cussiur Tuku notico that 1, Thomu Maeitovern of SU'wurt, 11. Oh occu|mtinn minur.intenU to upply for pLTinission to purchaau tho following duscriuud land31 . *-���*.. Coinmcncing ut a pnst planted on tho right bunk of tho Nuu river ubout four miles ubove the (.irks of the Nuus nver, thenco aouth bi) chuins, llience west bl) chains, tlience north ��U chuins, j thetlOt east MJ chuins to point of commencement, ��� contuininu ti 10 ucres more or less. THOMAS MACQOVERN I Uatwl March Hi, 1911. Sidney Frank Wright, Agt I Tub. Muy 17. Skeena Und District���District of Cussiur Trikt notice that W illiam Frederick Cameron of I'rinco Uupert, 11. C, occupation carpenter, ;'���-.:.������ to apply for .'torntusion to purchuao the following deacribed lands: Cummencing at a post plantetl obout throe piles south of the forka of the White and Flut mtm, thence soulh bO chains, thenco west bu 'chains, thence norlh bU chuina, thenco east bU chains. WILLIAM FREDERICK CAMSRON Dated April lb, lilll. I'ub. May 13. Francis S. 1'reston, Agent Skifna Land District���DUtrict of Coust Kango o Take notioe lhat 1, Lauchlan John Shanuhun of Victoria, It. C, occupation toucher, intend to apply for permission to purcliaae the following deacrihed lands: Commencing ut u ]������������< pluuted *��� > chuins south from the southeast corner of Lot ..i��.n. thence 4U Chaius souih, thenco '**��� ehuiiia vat, thence -IU chains norlh, thencu -10 chuins east to point of cut n in en cement, containing li>0 ucrw more or leas. LAUCHLAN JUHN SHANAHAN Duled April IT, I'.'ll I'ub May ti. Skoona Und District-District of Cassiar Take notice thut 1. John L. Mitchell of I'rince IlUajHTt, It. C, occupation bookkeeper, inlend to apply for (termission to purchaso the following described lands: < t:ninencing at a post planted ubout (5) five mllea nouth and il> one mile wi-st of the forks of thu While and Flat rivers, thence north bO chains thenci' cast bO chuins, thencu aoulh bi) cliains, thince ui%t bo chuins. Dated April 18, IUll. JUHN L. MITCHKLL I'ub. May li Francis S. FresU'ii, Agent Skoonu Lund District���District of Cussiur Take notin thut 1 1 rancis S. 1'rosion of I'rince Hupcrt, ll. C, occupaticii pnispeclor, intend to apply fur jmtihitution to purchase the fullowing deacribed lantls: Commencing at a post plunteil about three mite* south and two milos wt*i uf the forks ol the White und Flut rivers, thence south bi) chuins thenco easl mj chuins, thenco north bO chuina, thence west bO chains. Dated April 20. 1011. FRANCIS S. PRBSTON Pub W.iy 13 Skeenu Land Dlstricl���District of Coast Kango 6 Take noi ce ihat L Joo Jack of 1'nrco U. pert. It. Cm uccupation car|tenter, intend to apply (or iturmlssion to purchase the futloMing deacribed lands: Commencing at a post planted ubout threciand one-hull miles dMiu.t in a south wed on thu *uut!i bunk -ii tho hUckiuuuiks Kiver und about luur milea from its cunlluencu witb ttm Skeenu Kivt-r tiiunco bO cliaina wost, tliunce bO cnains nurui[ ihencu 80 cliuins east, ttmncu suutli -su cu.ii'u tu point of commencement, containing blu ucrw moro or leas. Dated April 81. Ull. FRANK HlCKs Pub. April BV. -,zhE. EBY ca. Co. REAL KSTttlTE Kiisiiinkiiliim Land For Sale H ISIMh U.I'M - U. ('. / i'rince Rupert Lodge, IJ).0.F. \\ NO. 63 y Mi'i't�� Id tlie IIi'U[^son llluek Every Tuesday Evening mt-mb-^lt of tin' nrdiT in the city netted tcrotnrv. 5. O. E. B. S. TIip Prince Rlt^��Mt Lodtrc Bnclnndi meeti tfiwa^at and ���?ach month In the (*n Son* of Tunrdays in I, at 8 p.m. K, Sec, o. Ikyr ^12. Prince Rupert KttleV.;NEWS Agency MaKnzinoH :: PanMUull :; NaWipapan CIGARS :: TOBACCOS- :: FRUITS G.T.P. WIIAKK CARTAGE and STORAGE UNDSAVS O: T. P. TramTht Agenta i Hal*, .a promptly mini, I'rli-pii rrns-Mklil,>. OFFICE- II. n. Roeh-aitar, C��ni|��flt. PhoatM Tfh^OQUOIS / POOL j Knglish and Americ^ jiilliarda Twelve Tablee Secdlftt Avk Skeena Land Diatrict -Dlitrict of t 'n.i t Hange & Take notice that 1. Bell Hull Kcnnvy of \\.w mouth, NoVI Scotia, occupation married wumun. intend to apply for permiaaion to purchaau the folluwing described landa: t'omnu'iicing at a pust planted ut north enal corner of T. 1. l.nt BwS8| tbence running wctt -*> ebaina, thence nurth hi) chaina, thencu eaat lu chaina, thvnce nouth ���** chaina to place of com' men cement containing ���:���> ucna* more ur leaa. My poit is on aouth eaat cornur uf land applied for, marked lettera S. K., about one milu wtat of Lake Lakelm-, iouth aide of .Skeena liver District of t'ouat Kunge 5. Duted April W, IUll. 1JKLL HALL KKNNKY Pub. Muy 13. Juhn Huverty, Agent Skeena Laud Diatrtct -Diatrict of t'muiar Tuku notice that 1, Jamua Dunlop of Prince Kupvrt, 11. (J., occupation teamaiur, Intend to apply for iH-rmUsioii to purchaau the fullowing dtochbud landa: (.'ummencing al a poet plutit4tl about two milea nuuth of the furki of thu White and Flut rivera, ih.���:,!���.��� north .'"i chuina, thencu went ��U chuina, thencu iouth ti) chains, thence east bt) chnina. Dated April lb, lull. JAMKS DUNLOP Pub. Mav 13. Francia S. Preaton. Agent Cuait Kango b Laud District Take notice that I, John Hepburn of Kit- lumkalum, occupation furmor, intund to u|>ply for pernii .iuj, to purchaw thu followtig deacnued lands: Cummencing at a poat plantcl at tho northeufi curner of Lot 31163, thencu cast 2i) chains, thenca aouth 4U chains, thunce weat 2U clum, thuncu nuiih 40 chains tu place ol commencement- Datod March 18, lull. JOHN EUSPBUBN Pub April 16. Skoena Land Diatrict ��� Diatrict of Coaat Kangu b Tuke notice that Henry Macartney of Prince Kupert, It. Ci occupation minor, intunds tu apply for portnJaetOD to purchaau thu fullowing duaenbed lands: CommencinR at a post planted en lho suuth aide of Kxchumaika lllver, abuut 2 1-2 milea from ill conlluenee wilh lho Skeena Kiver and ubuut 1-2 mile* west from Kxchumaika rapids, (hence mi chains north, thenco in chains euat, thonco it) chains aouth, thence 40 chains west tu point o | commoncement, con'"ining 320 acres more or Inas. Post marked "H.M. S.W. cor." Dated April 2J, lilll. HflNRY MACAKTNKY Pub. Aorll 2!t. Kkeena Land District���District uf Caular Take notice that I, Mary Carin nf Stewart, U. Oaf occuiiation married womun, intend to apply for permission to purchase tho fullowing described land: t'ommenclng at a post planted two (2) miles south und (2) two milus went of thu forks uf the White and Flat rivers, thence bi) chuins nurth thence UU chains west, thence Hi) chains south.' thence HO chaini easl. Duted April B0, IUll. MAKY CAK1N Pub. May 13. Francia .S. Preston, Agent Skeena Lnnd District���District of Coast Tnke notice that 1, Wllliurn Melville Corley of Toronto, Ontario, occupution clerk, intend to apply for permission to purchase the toUowtni described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest oorner of Lot 806ft Hasi ft, Coaal District, thunce fast (iU chains, thenco north 40 SfaalU, thunce west tO chains to lloll's Uute slough, ihencu along slough southerly to point of commencement containing KiO acres moro or lean. Dated April 0, IUll. WILLIAM MKLVILLK COKLKY Pub. April 29. viw-ma Skaena Land District-District of Queen Charlotto Islands Take notice that J. II. Murphy.uf Vancouver B. 0., occupation commercial traveller intends to apply for permisaion to purchase the toUowlna described lands: ' ('ommencing nt A post planted uhout suven nilhw wuat and ono milo couth frnm thn mouth of Stanly Creek, Naden Harbor, thence north HO chalna, thnnco weat 40 chains, thunco south an chains, thence eaat 40 o Ina. h *" DatedMarch 17, 1911. J. u. MUKPHY NumaDnmora, Agont Skeena Land Diatrict���District uf Coaat Taku noticu that Willium Mciuvuh of \\aucou. vur, 11. C. uccuputiuu physician, intends tu spply fur permiaaiun tu purchaau ihu lulluwing uiaumM lunda: Commencing al a poat plunted ut the euuth*��j corner, 40 chuins north und 4U chains east uf ins nurlheast corner ol Lot 11 lb, Harvey'i Survv), Couat Dislrici. Kungu 5, thuncu 00 chains eut thunce Hi) cuuina nurth, thence tiO chaina w��t, thunce GO chuina aouth lo poat ol cuuuiieiiccmetit cuntaiiiiug 3t>U ucres iiioru ur leaa. Duled Muy 2, IUll. WILLIAM A. McTAVlSH Pub. Muy ii. Fred W. ItuhW, Agsnt Skuena Lund District���Diatrict of Cuast lUnge 5 Tuke nutico that i.eiue McTavish uf Vuiicouvlt, lt. C-, occupation murried woman, intendi tu upply for permiaaion to purchase the fullowing iioacnbed lunda: Cummencing ut u post planted at the north- wuat corner 100 chains t��aat and 20 chain* nurm Irum thu northeaat corner of Lot 111b, llarwy'a Survey, Coaat Distnct.Kangu j.thuuca 80 clmni suuth, ihencu &0 chaina euat, \\. ������:,*������ 60 ciiiuu nurth, thencu 40 clmina wuat, thuncu bl) ctiainj auutli, thencu 40 ehalni weal lu pust uf eonUMO* cement, cuntaining 400 acrea mure ur lusd. Duted Muy 2, IUll. LOTT1K McTAVlSH Pub. May u'. Fred W. Uohler, Aft-nt Skeunu Lund Dialrici���DUlrict of Coaat Kaugo I Taku noticu taat Grace Mcl'a visit, ol VattOOttVefi U. C, occupation murried woman, intends to apply fur purmiaaioii to purchaau the fulluwiug di��crii>e iatttf, Coast District, Kaugu b, ihencu 40 ciiaim esst, Uience 60 chains north, thenco 40 cnum* weit, thonco b\\) chains aouth to post uf comiuence.neni cuntaiuiiig 320 ucrw moro or less. Datod May 2, IUll. ORACH McTAVlSH Pub. Mav G. Fred W. Uuhler, Agent Skeenu Land District���Dislrici uf Caaaiar 'lake nutice that 1, Charlw M. Knuusc o Priucu Kupurt, i>. C, occupatiun tanner, intvnJ lo apply lur permiaaiun tu purchusu the tottowifl| described lunda: Cummencing at a post planted ubout ��� >< three miles south and l2 ) two miles west ol theforkBOl W hue river and Hal river, thence suuth bi) ciiaiu, thunce west Mt chuina, thence north t>0 ���. thence east hO chaina. Dated April 20, IUll. CHAKLKS M. KK0U8B Pub. May 13. Krancii S. Preaton, Agent Bkaana Land Diatrict���Diatrict o. Coast Kange & Take not ce lhal Murdock McKue of Vancuuvi-r II. C, occupation real estate bruker, intenda to apply for permiaaiun t: purchaa tlie fulluwick described landa: Commencing at a onst planted un the avU.h bunk of Karhumsika river ubuut live u.ile* Iiuin Ita cuuiluuncu with the Skeena river, thvnce 40 chuina weat, thence 20 chuins nurth, thenc* i*) chuins wust, 'thence 40 chuina north, ihence 40 chaina eaat, thuncu 20 chalna south, llienei' iJ chaina eust, thencu 40 chuina auuth tu point ol commencement, containing 320 acres mure or it* Dated April 21. l'Jll. MURDOCK McKAt Pub. May 13. Skeena Land District���District of Cassiar Tuku nutice that I, laaac O'ltrien Furls* of Princu Kupert, H. C.. occupation carpenter, intend to upply (or permission to. purchase the foUoafal described landa: Commencing at a post planted abuut tiv mi!e*e aouth and ono milu west of tho forki of theUhiu aud Flut rivera, thencu north bO chuina, tlience wuat ho chaini, thence aouth HO chains, thence eaal HO chains. Datod AprU 18. IUll. ISAAC O'UKIKN FuIlBEa Pub. May 13. Francis S. Preston. Agent Skeona Land District���Diitrict t.r Coast Tako notice that Glonn McArthur of Vancuii*tfi 11. C, occupation real aetata ugent intends tu apply fur purimsaiun tu purchase the following deacrilied lands: Comniuncng at a post planted 40 chains w.it and HO chaini south of tlie southwest corner �� Lot No. 1733 marked lilei.n McArthurs northwest corner, thence iouth 40 chaim, thence ��a��t HO chuins, thencu nurth 40 chains, thenre ����' HO chaina to po��t of cummuncument, containing 320 acrea more or 'eaa. ilt,��� Duted March 20, 191L GLKNN McAKilUK Pub. April 16. T. D. Uird. At** Skeenu Lund District-District of l'..:m ���' * Coast District Take notiw that Wm. Leslie nf Suppei I ��� " ' iHi-upati.in (Jovernment Cuiinl, Intandi to II i ' for parmlaelon to purchase the followini oi - : -" ed landa: Ojinmeneiim nt a post planted 40 el ���* nnd Il'ii chains south of the lottthweel ��� '""���' No 173;!, rantct* .r> const district,marked �� '" ���*���' - ���"'��� N.W. corner, thence south 40 chains, thena ' ho chains, thence north 40 chains thenee wett ��j chains to post of commencement, oontnlninfw acrei more or lens. WM. LESLIE T. D. Laird, Agent Dated March 20th. lull Pub. April 2Ulh. IUll Skwna Land A/istrict���District of Queen Cnariotw lalands Tako notice that Geo. II. UUI of Prtuce RWh Bi C, occupation burlwr, intends tu a|)i��>y ���<" jK-rmisaion to purchaso tho fullowing dr.��crii>e lands: . Commoncing at a post planted about m*j> miles wost und one milu south from thu ,V'"'JM of Stanly Creek, Nadon Harbor, thenco lonM �� chains, thunco west 10 chains, thunco nu.'tn chuins, thunce oast 40 chains. ...�� Datod March 17, lull. 0B0. "��� >'v x Pub. April 22. Numa DoOMf* ��� Puh. April 22. , Age-it Skeena Land District -District ol I ������ ,r of Tuku notice thnt 1, Krenton JofOOD MeOTM* Prince Kuiiert, 11. C, uccupation contrariur. nien to apnly for permission to purchaae the follow ��� deacrihed lands: . hrM Commencing at a post planted about IM *> miles suuth and (2) two miles west of WO i"?r of White and Flat rivers, thonce HO chains sou*" thencu HO chains wost, thenco 80 chains i��"" thence 80 chains east. . ���, unnRfl HKKNTON JOKDON MOOg Datod April 20, 1911. Francis S. Preston, Ar"1 Pub. May 13. Tuke notice that I, James Webster M'" Stewart H.C, occupation auctioneer, mt��'��� apply for permission to purchaso the lOtiow deaenbed lands: *tW t'ommunclng Bt a post planted Ofl W�� pv* hunk ol tho Nuns river nbout nine mm s' tho forks of the Nuns river, thonce southJW cns�� Ihence west HO chains, thenco north ho ens ��� thence onst SO chnina to point of commence" contuining 040 acres more or less. .,. iu JAMKS WEB8TBR B8PW" Datad March 21, 1011. Frank Sidney Wngnw "�� Pub. Muy 17. iSkeenuLnnd District -Districl ''(''V^.a.rt, Take notice thnt I, Sydney FiugornW ;��' Vg%2 H. C, occupalion cook, Inlend to Ujjn ',r ' At '"'salon to purchase lho following d��0Tltta leo^ 'ommencing at a post planled abuut "**.,.���, lh and one milo ofthe forks of Whi mliwiun to Oc "oulli nnd iiiii, mile ail I r,> . ��� and VIM rivor., tlipnci.' soulh 80 0 '"|T"' ������,- wiiit 80 chnlm, llionu. nortli 80 chainn, torn (Ut 80 chnlm. _mmtt/*-*tt__D Dntol April IH, 1911. .S.YDNEY Fll/Oh'"'' t I'ub. May 18. Fraud. 8. Prcrton, AC" THEi'DAlLY NEWS -*'~+-~+- I! ����� ROS. ~a I I General Merchandise \\ Largest Stock Lowest Prices in Northern B. C .��i^.m^.h������ i4^^im��.n��* ii mmmw**,** ��iiain��i��^ m^s��^ i*^*g j WE - HAVE ��� FOR - SALE (CROWN GRANTED) Section 9 Township 1 Range 4 NECHACO VALLEY PRICE:-$15.00 PEFyACRE, EASY TERMS This is un excellent sejcion and was one of the first to be fed in the Yalley. st| Samuel Harrison & Co. Brokers And Financial Agents, Prince Rupert r = THE COSY CORNER = j DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN 1 This is a little section of the paper, which from day to clay will be devoted to subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the ladles of I'rince Rupert are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions. Suggestions and criticisms are invited by the editor. The hope iB expressed thut "The Cosy Corner" will fill a social need. A FRENCH MODEL * MUSSALLEM & COMPANY Groceriey at City Prices .Good a new line of kirta, Shawls and will sell at cut nly. : : : To Residents of Seofioni S, 6, 7 and 8���W�� delivar promptly, our goods are fresh, at pricea not to be beaten in the city I I '**���_���� MUSSALLEM & CO. ��** eul * Mcirifc ���YOUR FOOD WILL BE WELL COOKED ON A��� I f Crown Favorite Cooking Stove \\ Price from $45 to $5&>. /" Other Stoves from $16. WE HAVE ALL YOU ^ttf fOUflJBD l D IN BUILDERS' HARDWARE THOMP^J HAftD^ARE COT Second Avenue / T.l.ph.B. 10 fr*MM^��. P.>rtn*.l SwittrrlanJ I'lilican. VrJZT VS* A. I; .,��,._,. T.u'*,r�� RE" !Xh <-'*-el��<* t'hina Malta \\ Hmu I'mlcJ Stala. ,-,' ifcnnaiiy Manchuria ^���fcr.ia BESffa Tl ���t.ieat Hnlain M. .���,, JW/n Wrt lain. Hr. I ni' amount oftjfese drafts is stated in tin- money of tlWountry where Ihey are pay- aWcj that Is Jfcy arc drawn in sterling, francs,* inark-Otyc, kronen, florins, yen, ������"'Is, rouhlrf, etc., as the case may be. Thia cnaurcs thaf .he payee abroad will receive tly-hclual amount intended. 233 J- M./Christie massaging The French model shown in Illustration is very pleasing and is developed in blade crin, with blue and Mack stripes about the sharply upturned brim. The trimming consists solely of shaded blue and black feathers. The same model is shown in cerise and black, and is strikingly handsome. SUNSHINE FOR THE HAIR Summer Girls Who Leave Off Their Hats are Wise The more air and sun lhe hair has the more it will grow and the more healthy it will lie up to a certain point. The hair dressers tell us that too hot a sun will injure and bleach lhe hair in much tile same proportion as it will injure the owner of the hair. After shampooing your hair always try to dry it in the sun, or al least in the open air, as this is much more natural and therefore much better for the hair than artificial heat. The question of how often the hair shoultl be washed is a vexed one, and a general law cannot be laid down. It is safe to say, however, lhat more troubles result from the too frequent cleansing of the hair than from too little. Naturally greasy hair may be Washed every fortnight, but never of cold water, w instead of oil. The benefit of brushing \\\\u* hair is questioned by some specialists. It cleans the head and makes the hair glossy, bin die head may be clean, and glossy hair may not be desired. If tlie hair is falling, certainly brush and comb it very little. Use as little padding or false hair as possible, and also as few hair pins and combs. With Huffy hair, even if not abundant, no pads are called for by the present styles. THE SEPARATE BLOUSE Simple Style That Has Proved Pretty Will be Revived A new era of pouplarity seems to be in store for lhe separate blouse. One of the leading French dressmakers i:i authority for the prediction that the next year will Bee a great revival of the separate blouse and skirt combination, not only so far as tlie tailored suit antl waist are concerned, but for other wear. Regardless of what the future may bring, the luxurious little blouse of*heer stuff and dainty design is a very essential part of the wardrobe this spring, anil each blouse model that one sees seems more charming antl more fascinating than the last. As the weather grows wanner, more antl more tub blouses of actually washable materials appear under tailored coats. It is quite necessary to sjH'cify "actually washable" materials, as many of the BO-called "tub" blouses I woultl never Stand a single washing. The colored embroideries of the cheaper blouses are by no means always fast. The lovely voile AFTERNOON TEA Will ba all you cany dcaire if you use...^ RIDGWAY^TEA \\WE A AVE lf; ALSO 5 COFFEE good breakfast Groceriea Vegetable! Ideatf Provision House TIJhl Ave., near Sixth St. Phone 190 I Stalker & Wells Manag Engagement "nr.il I ,p mM^iw^w^^^iW^^-W^^^^^ In solitaire or cluster t|i#nond act- tinga, offers to t\\iy*tt who desire real values, _j_*S*t superb choice. We import yhe perfect diamonds than any>fter Canadian firm, therefore _*T_Tc in a position to give you ; stonea at lowest possible Sec our 1911 catalogue. BIRKS & SONS, limited Diamond Merchants Jewellers EO. E. TROREY, Managing Director ' ��� Vancouver, B.C. _W*^*\\WSBSB___fm _(_-_ St? Ave. and McBride - Phone 187 OMMMMMIOMtimiRP Robin Hood The Great Flour of Greater Canada Your Dealer Hat ll To Leise Lots Bloek \\l 22, 23, 24, ac> 8' 17 v. 18 24 3l! J i 14 ���, 35 / 7,8 \\ r i / \\ M 1 \\ Sectiqp 1 G.R.NJ Limited. \\ Second Ave., Prince Rupart, B.C. __t_____\\ The Digby Rooms % I a 1 Of-aL A �����__!��___ Sjw Located on Sixth Ave., near Fulton Three to five minutes from centre of buainemi district. Nineteen newly furnished rooms. Hot and culd water, bath and telephone. Newly furnished. Under new munuKement. 8 ��� I INVITED |J{ la moooooaoaaauoaaaanffiiWisK 4��� INSPECTION tFRED. STdRKJ Giperal Haj4ware��� Ganeral Harrfv I a7T t Builde^ Hard BuildeQ Valves & (Inn) Hardware Oxford Stoves * Tinware - OND - AVENUE I OPTICAL GOODS te line of sses, Min- Compasses Barometers. R. W. .Came }.fi* McNab General Agent Tickets To All Points BY ALL LINE/- ROGERS' Steamship and Railway Ageicy Second* Ave. Phone 116 S.S. INLANDER Take the ... FOF HAZEkfrON THURSDAY, JUNE 15tl Ht Itght-draught steem- Hazclton, /lander (or Ha: ���r- H. B. Rochester Agent W. Ly9(RKER rchitefcf Si'i'oniUfv,-n.il- and Thu|,< ACCOt'S i.aw- Butler imndTnir I'rinca Ru|x>rt ART AT IMI I HIS Phone No. 280 "ftU. Box 351 ALFRED CAR: of II'.II-1. I ���,!.,,. I ., ��� ml -M.nt'ala. |la%,. lumhla /> tit HC * At om?*- nKNNKTT, B.A. 0MM%l k.lal.r��.la and br-na Ban. CAjrfS A BENNETT TKRS, NUTATE!", Etc. humr--" blnck. cirnv "^H avwiua and Sixth ��tm:i. la,.. I: a am. t V WW. S.-HAU,. L.O.S., D.D.S. i Dbntiht. Crown antlBriltee Work a Specialty. All ila'-itil OT, . ill-.' ��� Vfeilfatlly I r. -,i..i i,��- and focal nnaatll.'lc. Admini.tai-aif*! t'*t lite pnfnlwu ci- traclioa fit teeth. Con.ultation trvm. nftir*. Ilclrtr.on Illiick. Prtnr-i. Rupert. ll-l! Ale. M Main.,,a, | A.. W. K Willium..!! A . I..1..I, WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Box 285 I'rince Kupert, B.C P. O. BOX 2S a> ' PRINCE RUPERT JOfcW E. DAVEY TliACltfcfc OK S1NCING rtru^T t��M. rono ��.a A.M.,.ION.. UNO GE< EOR< GE LEEK MERl>l����trH AGENCY t'tlU��nrflt)N!t AtJVREPORTfl PRltae RUPERT Siath Slr.ct Phon* Black 184 INSERT YOUR LAND PURCHASE NOTICES IN THE NEWS Fruit ; Produce : Feed WrtOygSALE H. R>rtrto rton - 3*A. Ave. ___________ THE DAILY NEWS The leasee People I spends fflSTiffi in the Classified - - Advertisements "*" ... newspaper irivea the public ia in the classified advertisement columns t services the mo*��n��IWgg" fiSd��ni and tenant, and a host of others meet on com- ,���B5d STo Iu ttim ul""n, convenience in reach of, everyone, the News will rsdOOS its md. io pu ����j(;e if a Mnt u wor,iPer insertion. Minimum charge or 25 cents. EVERY ci anj; of Itfn^ANOB. OET ouit RATES The Mack Bwlty and -insurance Co. I'hone 150 / ThiiiLAvenma uiiA. Fulton St INTERESTS^ THE INDIANS Inspector A. M. Tyson is on His Summer Visit to the Agencies and Reserves���Has Some Very Delicate Missions to Perform in His Daily Work HAND BAGS just receive of the id latest ilerf Velvet aml/eath- Hans. We es- nvite yo/to call II sho#you our 8. WARK Her n> us." Inspector Tyson showed one novel request from one Indian, for .i "strong paper" to be Bent in him. The writer was having sunn' business troubles, and was convinced that Borne other Indian wiis working against him, and warned .i "strung paper" tn be sent in warn liis enemy away. Many Thousands of Them There are about twenty-three thousand Indians ori the Northern Pacific toast who are registered with the department, and a great deal of comfort and security enjoyed by them is due to the oversight and paternalism of the Government which stands by them to advise and protect them. "A great deal of the work of the Indian's interests are very care-1Department consists in keeping fully looked after by the Dom-lthc whites from encroaching on inion Government," said Inspec- the Indian reserves," said the tor Tyson, "They look to us In I Inspector. To many thousands all their difficulties, and we have of the dusky skinned inhabitants many delicate tasks and disputes of the Province he is counsellor, to settle. There are family dis-1judge antl jury. To them he is puus and business disputes. Some-1 the embodiment of the British times even divorces are referred law which protects -them. I On his annual summer visit it) the Indians oi the northern rovince. Inspector A. M. Tyson, nspector of Indian Agencies, is in Prince Rupert today. The Inspector is some six weeks out from his starting point at Vancouver, having already visited the Indian agencies and reserves between Vancouver and I'rince Rupert. He e.nn hire direct from Bella Bella, Before his journey ends, some four months away yet, he will have traversed the journey up north as far as Atlin, a few miles from where there is a band of Indians as yet unnumbered and unregistered, Some Delicate Tasks "As wards of the nation the One of the best There buyer i mon ground. Fate He��Tour Satslfled"Advertising Column for today. | ~ + | Lost and Found j FOUND���Euroki Gleaning urf^rtuing Company. Men'* Hiiits AwDfldfind presBetl $1.1H>. Luilu'a' units prUMdJ iiiidrt'leuniHi. Dry cleim- i iff n -HpiH-iulty. Hot'ti^vl Weitenhaver Blooki phono r��d 69. 121-147 FOUND--KU'Kiint roonivHMJwIy furnittlutl. Th* BuUUffV HI.H-k. tith kfv., near Fulton. lOU-lm I.ttST-Dn Sixth atrtt't, bijiwoen Third Avenue andQuMn'i Hotel, %U_WVtto chitiuei in roll, ona for tl?> othaa forUr r��lt in bills. Rtward Hilly Pwua I'ltniy jirort*. Sixth St., one door from C.IMt. Offlo^ 188-185 Watch it grow. Notice ,'piiir ptim,,l aell onl> STrVCFfr .'CE CREAM ��� ** ������*���'��� i��� ... \\m Fruit i'- I Candy, whole- mill- mid K��*t��ll Look tot flait'h titti. at ni-xht, SAMCOWEN. f'roprlrtnr I'htiiw tto "OLD MAID" HAD TERRIFIC TIME Sister Ship of the Fishmaid Which Capsized only Recently Nearly Wrecked in Same Waters. TODAY'S BEST BUYS t|n ���_.** **���*���*-** *��*-**m* For Rent i Faaur-ronnii'il HutistV Iiartl^^irniahpd. with bnth- room] clone in un SummlTAve., back of Bonlon utrwt. Apply ill hV9"i>H ur P.O. Box 269. Jft-135 l! I 'ill l : alarai Kaaaallk ill IipiL^fll l.-ll t llaansa-. alja] aa asi I a- I'lnpp Building,\\i_jt***.. near McBride. Apply on premises !i%e#eaan one and three p.m. 128-134 Tw MfOOHWd Cablapn Fourth Apply I. YuuntT Ave. to., near Mcllriile, ioardlng House. ;lrd 128-134 aedtiiui 1, $4-175.00, Action 1. $1975.t)0, i, >, with cnbin, Lot -IT, lilm'k 34, liberal Urms. Let 24, lilpck 35, one-halftcaali. Lot 0, block 36, aedti $875.00. ��� J Two Lota, (ai-iiiR both Tatlow and Ninth, witl} th/ee two-roomed cabins, $2,000. Lotl 21 antl 22,'tf)lock 3'.. section li, all stumps remtWed. $t'>."ll each. LoU 28 and /29> block 19. section 7, $t'.40 pair. / \\ Lot 12, blocU 21, station 7, |600; $25.00 per monttf. �� Lots 13 to fl, block 5% section 8, $200 each. finalise selected investments at ritfht prices, a^ch as these, iai.it make larger, quicker And more certain profits. ;er tn At lur berth mar Seal Co\\ the gasoline fishing schooner "I'llphone iu�� Maid, sister vessel t<> tlie famous Flshmaid which capsized <>tT the Alaska coast, is moored this morning after a tremendous experience mn in the saint' place where the Fishmaid met tlisaster. Captain l>.m Ross ni die Old Maid, tells of terrific weather out there in the miilsi of which thc olil Maid's engine broke down. Hi imi her anxious crew working iljeir hardest, could make rail, the little eraft was swept from end to end by huge waves, and beaten helplessly nearer ami nearer to apparently certain wreck. Even after sail hail Inen made the tlanger continued for against such rough seas the little schooner was kept manageable only liy lhe very lx-st of seamanship. All hands strove tluir hardest, but at one time they c.tmc very near taking to the dory in a forlorn effort to save their lives for ihey were certain the Old Maitl was doomed. Eventually, however, the weather abated a Iii lie, antl the vessel was able to m.iki headway. It is possible that larger antl more powerful boats will be required to undertake the work ilu se hardy little schooners have lieen tloing on the liltak Alaska Coast. WESTENHAVER BROS. 2nd Ave. nnd tfrd St. Furniture (if thre��-roomfl*?T Apply Koom 15 Westenhnver Blow^rifltt 2nd Ave. and Sixth Street. ^^ y U8.184 Klotlf fumiihed Froat Room inrtiew houno. Ap- vily Mra. Saville, FoiAth Ay*, in'.-tr Mcllrlde. BtOTM nnil tB_,*mmWpKWn* Applv Dr. Molntyrt', Third Avo., phowvrcoa69. UB>tf BARGAINS /Crockery G.aatware Lsmpi Table Cutlery Baby Buggies Screen! Picture! Waihing Machine! cry Dwcription of Home Furniihingi. HAIR-RAISING TRIP ON YUKON Cheechaco in Small Boat Dodges Death a Dozen Times in Ice Jams on the River. The Big li FURNITURE Store ' m\\_. ...,. c. ..A O.A A ��� Cor. 6th Sl. and 2nd Are. W. HART & COMPANY , close ill- ���in U^-'i ( Nmtly Fumiihed Roornatr trentlemon preferred Apply Mn. Mullin, m*>r Majestic Theatre. For Kent-Modv H. V. McRae $2G a month. l*Jii-tf Cosy furnifhiSj Rooms, Thf ' Eighth. Nice I'm iii-hrd K Hlock, upBtal lm Mr��. Bower, Somerset venue, between Seventh and 117-tf i li*tojfmi\\ Apply rUnirance, Tlyi Mrs. Kirhy. Alder Jvrd Ave. 117-124 Nice, clean, fadtrhumsidc rooms. Hulkley Hlock 6th Ave.. nenrTulton. lPU-lnt Nice furnished Apply Drexel McHride. May :i-lmo niniiisaWffTo or for housekeeping. I BoHung House. 2nd Ave., near *_**-*--������ Help Wanted ���t House in store. SSI Hoy wantod O'lU'llly, 2n A Kia.nl M'n.ilili' woman yto ila work in Rtori'. Appbtto] 131 Ninotwn yountf men lo ttkt* cosy roomi in thi Uulkli'y Ml.aa ;.. i,___ J^rrT.n, lml-lni 132-tf Ai-i-lv Mitrtia KU-135 Imt work untl Ni'��s Ollice. Wanuxl-faliiiKoo,! mmi t Call room 2s, tCmprci tha Ordar of Owls, lolt'l. 1. K. MiuIIpiii. FATHER HARTMAN BACK Brings Floral Spoil from the Queen Charlotte Islands Rev. I'atlnr Hartman returned yesterday from the Queen Charlotte Islands where he has been officiating for >oine time. He came burdened with many flourishing flower plants, and strawberry root* whieh he intends planting about his residence lure. By the height of summer he expects to have a regular little paradise of growing flowers aliout him Speaking of conditions out at the Islands, Father Hartman toltl of excellent prospects for the pre- emptors who have cleared sunn of iheir land. The weather at the Islands lias Iii en a little cloudy recently, and in fact, Prince Rupert seems on tho whole to have Boarders Wanted "1 Little realising the danger u( followinK the ice jams on the Yukon a Cheechaco named pran|{ Ganley reached Dawson in a small boat after hair raising adventures, lie was warned by BOUrdoughs not to attempt ii but made the risky trip. "Were I not a cheechaco," he says. "I never would have made that run. A Bourdough knows better. I might have stopped once I got under way, but I am nol that kind. So it was that 1 went through swirling water, under overhanging shelves of ice and amid floes of dancing ice that now makei my hair want to get on the perpendicular every time I think nf it. "My most thrilling experience was when thc boat was draw." to one side, end shot quickly under a huge shelf of ice. As she plunged into that cavernous passage I said to myself, 'Good-bye,' but as luck would havc it, thc channel was large enough for the boat, and she ran through." Ganley is endeavoring to get his nerves back to their old tension, and declares that he woultl not make the run again for 110,000 a mile. In some spots he would not repeat the stunt for all the gold that can be piled up in the Klnn- (like Do away yfith this. Patronise a ��^liite lauaflry. Wliitu.lubor only at > Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 }ioire LIBERAL CLUB'S FINE BUILDING A few cosy huinelikf nxiori cheap to itteady roomer*. Kinn Gcorfe Jfoicl. Und Avenue. \\\\n*).i> Home * ������ - *...* .1 in- aig and hut! vjtinn li> ��� 1 roomi for three poraonL Avv\\jtt***mrti. Jamew, Scott Md*.. 3rd Ave., I* fTTth und bid SU. f.Vtf Private Board by the week or mrmlir. Home cooking a npeclalty. Mbm 1. U^jleenon, 3rd Ave., between Tth and 8^��A*n>hone 171. KMf I Real Estate .4 Nineteen young men wantedu^nt coiy furnished In the llulkley KooniR^Jffi Ave., near Kulton. imnm For Sale-Two choice ti*cuJ*Mlte Valley; right dollari an acre. 11 F. ___WKiif 6i Co. 126-tf For Sale-BeaatifuWldnieiite on Park; $2.10 cash. H. F. McKaelKbT 1J- tf CFor Sale **mW*��***m***m ***** *****.*****.** mm.** tm** **��_.��* ���mm**'**-* tft buyinv ��� i-u &*tf\\<- or Hange id. McBriA��*Ba Fifth Ave. ( LONGSHOREMEN BUILDING HALL Commencement Made Today. Men Themselves Taking Active Share in the Work. Just Planned for New Westminster and Will Go Up Immediately. ii a- a.l.aa Ira.in (11 .ee A. J. Cook HlOVd lP.i-lm ''"" 1 >lllill 0 II ____**_*__ Ii.i Avp. ' 128-13 I.KASK FOR SAI.l: Uiih' of the pnmlM on ll'IW iaC*'n'li''1 Third Ave. now OMQM by lho Douglnn Cnfo, chMin. Aak Unno Jrrru' M2-lf had more sunshine. Father Hart- ubtaoramt roii/KLii-coiunibi. n...uu rant on Third Av ll'K ,������ aaa,: tout" Jerry, man was welcomed back iii Rupert by many friei ds as he landed from the Prince Albert, rui^.'s i.i. i a.iaiitai.iai itostau- __*^__t_*________i laaa -iik- ��� Part- ITwIll^ni chcan. Auk Undo All kindiKif ��� F. M. I a...lay ilmli. ml Kiioda ImuKht nml aold. rd Avo.. I-1����� "ia 7th and Hth 117-tf A start has been made by the Longshoremen of I'rince Rupert upon tluir new hall. Owing to the edict's having gone forth from the (".. T. P. authorities that the reserve must be vacated by all tenants of buildings there, the hall usctl by the Longshoremen until row, is no longer available, anil will be pulled tlown. Plans for a line two storey building With basement have been secured by the Longshoremen, and they intend making their new hall one of the roomiest places of assembly in Prince Rupert. Work has now commenced on the preparation of the foundation, and the erection of the structure. The men themselves are l.iking an active pari in the building, and guarantee thorough workmanship intending the hall to reflect credit on iiuin. and on iheir union. Bailiffsv��ale by AuctioVi ���a-���: \\ J '> . a 1 TI 1 ACt ', Tho pnntentiVlln Tm Kottl. Inn. tnblos, fhnir��, ranitfrrtilloiV, .'If., on tho uromiMa I ' I :���. J ���"'��� I'atll. lilll. 11 ���'..,..'.. JOHN SHIRLEY, llaihlT Princ ftuport. Juno I'ltli. I'lll. l.'ll-UM Latent Magazines anti Hooks, a Victor Gram- nplione, Pictures, nifty Fixtures for n den. We have all these In stock. : : : i.iTAni,i��n,:i. IMS F. W. ITAUT & (XIMI'ANY Untli'rtakrrn, jjofinT Second Avenue nnd BuMl .^Iroct. GenrifM Barrie, UeSIUld Kmhulmer, I'hone t\\2 iiii,'lif nr ilny MimuRiT r-��� ^. McRae Bros. Sixth Street Phona Red 78 ��>iu)()<>ts!:iit)t��Kii)(]t)t��;i>t]t)(i(us<��H>numKuuunuMS(��K>an(HKm(��)<;: NATURAL RESOURCES SECURITY COMPANY, Ltd. PAID 111' CAl'lfAl. $2W),I)IK) t)FK��n FOR HA1.E- Farm and Fruit Lands - -JOIN-J bWNKM A>,k HOI.B *0ENTB of Fort G��wge Town.ite NUwett Towmite WHI llt.WKll UIIII.l,rNy. VANCOUVERTtTc: ��� jy; Aid., Block Sixth Street XKXUKKMXKKKKMMUMKMHHMMMMMKMttH QUADRA COMING BACK IMPROVED Generally Overhauled and with|. Big New Ten Ton Crane Fit-j ted to Tend Buoys. ^niin after the sleailier Ouatlta, H= of the marine and fisheries depart-1��� menl, i> mil of the hands of ilu B, ('. Marine Railway she will arrive In Ruperl mi hn- way to recharge a large number of buoys, It is understood thai it will be several weeks before the VOSSOl is again ready for service as she is having extensive repairs made to her hull. She is lieing given a general overhauling and when the work is completed will be in lhe best possible shape. On her forward deck a big ten- Ion winch has been Installed which will enable lhe steamer lo handle lhe large buoys wilh grealer cose than before. Improvements air being made all over the Vessel anil sin will be pr.icti i.illy a ni'W ship when released by Bullen's, She will have a busy season's (Work and f,,r this lrason the tlt'parln.eni are making all net es- Iwry alterations which will result IE in her speedy dispatch ol all workl* _=_=��� outlined. Roche and 0'Dell.wflnts to see j everybody in i'ffnce Rupert in j their new Cif&r Store in Kelly's * liaseini'Uf Ipiml i-oo>hJ Helgerson Hi.jcir:' ^^ Situations Wanted ������ .41- Fire Insurance .4 i.ood nlla Ut woman ili'tlr.-iiu^tl. a, Tli.ir.iuKh. THK niitl>h llnlnn nml NetliiMl Fir, Inmiranrr l>-.ax|H.rl..ni-.-.l*ili,itl.|��^���rw���uTlllk,',mnll Dimiikpy i,f Ixim|mu-^��llKliinil, with canlUil ��� I VriU-arNM nfraiil rf wark. I nf ulKjMtui^tWfti. fur mtM, Thr Mich l;tl-1:i4 Itciiltv ima^m-tirnnco Cumtianv. "Il-tf Aiu.lv Thouat lox A. m<-<\\ ONLY TWO WEEKS MORE! Wc must close out this stock of Furniture in two weeks time. A chance to buy first class Furniture at practically your own prices. : : : I Dining Room Chairs, onartartd nak, pollsbtd, Icathi'i patl flt'iit, B plain rlinira nnil 1 nrm rhair, worth $45.00, now *np only $&d Dining Clmirit, goml designs, hardwood, oak Hnlsb, rt'gulttr $1.35, AA now only, each ��fUC Ohlffonln with 5 drawers, English Hi'Vt'l Plate Mirror, Quarter .tawed (ioldi'ii Oak, regular Value (On ("A $41.25, now only ��p^O��DU 1 Mahogany Dining Room Suite; 1 lountl top extensiun table, 5 plain chairs, 1 arm chair, very handsome boffett; regular value $181.60. Will sell this *inr suite fur *p I Co 2 onlv Brass Beds, regular value (in $27.50, to clear at $10 Buffet In quartered oak, Mission finish, regular value (Q7 CA $55.00, to clear at *p*J I .OV Countless bargains in Beds, Bedding, Mattressess, Springs, Dressers, Tables, Carpets and all kinds of Houae Furnishings. : : : : =s No Reasonable Offer Refused Estate of The Brin Furniture Co. S TRY THE "NEWS" WANT I s= AD. WAY OF FINDING 1 C. B. L0CKHART Assignee 1 A magnificent Liberal Club building will be erected at the junction f Clarkson, Begbie and Lome streets, New Westminster, in the immediate future. The building is to serve the Westminster federal riding and will be a steel eight storey blmk costing about 3150,000. On the ground floor will be stores and offices, on the first lloor will be a splendid club hall and rooms, the hall seating atKI persons, and the remaining llnoi- will be reserved for offices. 'Ilie name of the club will be "The Westminster District National Liberal Club," anil J. H. Diamond is secretary pro lem. RUPERT TO BE FASTEST BOAT High Pressure Boilers to be Fitted in Fall Giving Her a Twenty Knot Speed Unrivalled on Coast. Extensive alterations anil improvements are soon to be made to the (Irand Trunk Pacific steamer I'rince Uupert. These Will include the equipping of the vcsiel with new high pressure boilen which will give lhe Ruperl a speed of twenty knots, and which Will rentier her one of the speediest boats on the coast. It is not expected that these alterations will be made uniil the autumn, when the semi-weekly schedule is discontinued. At present both steamers are handling much freight and many passenger" over the Prince Ruperl route, and il is not likely that she will he laid up now. The Prince Steamers are given a three months' overhauling in turn during the winter months, and it is expected that during that time the Improvements will be made. For some time the boilers "ii the Rupert have been giving ���* little trouble, but when the ncW steam producers are installed she will be the fastest steamer t>l>',,�� out of this porl. The Prince Ceorge is not to undergo the same change as her engines have not given any trouble. Organ Opening Concert In the Baptist tyytrch, Thursday, June 15t}��/tft8.3asp.iii' S"' los on neyorgan, vocal s"'"9- readings, etc; excellent program. Tickets 50c. John E. Dave}*. Organist and Choirmaster. 131-137"""@en, "Titled The Prince Rupert Optimist up to and including April 29, 1911; titled The Daily News May 1, 1911 and thereafter."@en ; edm:hasType "Newspapers"@en ; dcterms:spatial "Prince Rupert (B.C.)"@en ; dcterms:identifier "The_Prince_Rupert_Optimist_1911-06-14"@en ; edm:isShownAt "10.14288/1.0227657"@en ; dcterms:language "English"@en ; geo:lat "54.312778"@en ; geo:long "-130.325278"@en ; edm:provider "Vancouver : University of British Columbia Library"@en ; dcterms:publisher "Prince Rupert, B.C. : [publisher not identified]"@en ; dcterms:rights "Images provided for research and reference use only. Permission to publish, copy, or otherwise use these images must be obtained from the Digitization Centre: http://digitize.library.ubc.ca/"@en ; dcterms:source "Original Format: Royal British Columbia Museum. British Columbia Archives."@en ; dcterms:title "The Daily News"@en ; dcterms:type "Text"@en ; dcterms:description ""@en .