"6b7f7338-e085-4ae3-b1dc-650d3c0d406b"@en . "CONTENTdm"@en . "BC Historical Newspapers"@en . "2011-08-23"@en . "1902-05-24"@en . "Devoted to the upbuilding of Fort Steele, the development of the vast mineral resources of the East Kootenay mining district."@en . ""@en . "https://open.library.ubc.ca/collections/xprospector/items/1.0187137/source.json"@en . "application/pdf"@en . " nm**\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD***'jTn\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDLnj\"u^ AIlNKItAL\" 1'KODUCTION OF ;? HI'ITISH COI.UMIIIA IN' 1U01 -5 $20,713,501 3 Vol. S. FORT STEELE, E. C, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 190>2. No 21, New AdvertisementsTb-Qay. CiiiKulltiii l'acllli\" liuilivny ...Put.;.; \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD,tf -cfrftE-frtrtr-r t\"- 6-fr *-\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD-\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD>*\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD * ctrrfrCf*- t MINERAL FLOAT. J Thomas Armstrong is doing the iissessnienl. worlc on a very promising looking proporty on Wild Horse creek. If. W. Ross, Spokane, visit oil the Oranby group ol' claims , on Saturday last. U'e reports a fair showing of galena of a concentrating character. The claims are situated on Lewis creek, \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD The mining; man, prospector or investor'will iind something worthy' of his attention in'the ' great Fort Steele mining division of British Columbia., . - All advices leads us to the belief that tho copper situation i.s strong and everything connected - with it, is in a healthy condition, and there i.s no reason why a still further improvement should not take place soon. Where the ore deposits are a low grade copper or lead proposition the profit,margin must be much larger than with low grade gold mining. Dave Newell is now engaged doing thc annual assessment work on the Bald Mountain.property. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD Messrs Smith and Sherwood are placer mining on a bar near the Wild Horse creek bridge. 0 W. P. Henry is now engaged in running a tunnel through gravel to the rim-rook, just above- tho old- international ground.' Tt is repoYtcd that he is taking out good pay'dirt.' \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD No couiitryin the -world \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD presents, ii wider field for mining than British Columbia. No district in British Columbia has' a. more beautiful or varied supply of minerals than Southeast Kootenay. The Estolla mine has a great deal of ore blocked out. * A concentrating plant will be installed at Tracy \"creek this year. The North Star mine has resumed operations again in earnest, some forty men are employed. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD The production of thc precious metals are absolutely essential to the progress of the district. This production is a legitimate and invaluable industry.. By systematic exploration of our mountains, vast bodies of minerals will be brought to light which otherwise would remain unknown. Wild Horse creek and its tributaries will yet be ihe camp of Southeast Kootenay and the many fine prospecls now being developed will be the means of making Fort Steele the, liveliest town in the district. Just as- soon as the snow,is sufficiently , gone in the. Wild Horse district, work will bo resinned on the Tiger anil Poorman group of mines. The object of the provincial government is to encourage- the growth and thorough .'development- of the mining industry in every district of the province. With the North-Star and Sullivan mines shipping ore, Kimberley will again lie one of the liveliest towns in the district. In Southeast, Kootenay no line of business lias shown 'such' steady, and marked \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD development and advancement in activity mining.' The era of large operations with small expenses and moderate pro tits must, bo recognized in this district. There are hundreds of prospects in this district, with development, that may prove to be bonanzas. With the breaking of winter the unmistakable signs of activ- , i. ify immediately became manifest among tho placer comp'tnies on Wild 1-Jorse creek. Summer is here and hy- d ran lick ing goes ou among the placer mines on Wild Horse creek, and a good run is promised before the season closes. It is an undisputed fact that some of the best, mining properties'1 in Southeast Kootenay- are tributary fo Fort Steele. TRANSPORTATION WANTED EXCURSION TO WASA. Initial Trip of the North Star, as An \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD Excursion Steamer. The first of a series of river, excursions,to take place during the summer season, arranged by Captain Armstrong of the steamer North Star, took place on last Monday afternoon, when a large and enthusiastic crowd of Steelites boarded the North Star for a steamboat ride on the Kootenay river and an outing at Wasa. Leaving Fort Steele at 1:30 p. m., the North Star; started on the first river excursion which has ever taken place, on' the upper Kootenay river.' It'was a trip which were its ti;ue merits for beauty of scenery known, would rival the tar , famed Hudson river. ' From the landing at Fort Steele there is not a moment that one cannot, finer pleasure and'dolighl, in studying the formation, and prospective landscape little,, turns and crooks in the river, to add to the already novel and beautiful ever changing, picture. Tli ere is nothing more delightful than a steamboat ride on a beautiful and picturesque river, in a staunch and safe steamer, under a skilful pilot, such as Captain Armstrong, aud the steamer North Star. , The run to Wasa occupied two hours which passed much too quickly for the excursionists.' Upon arriving at Wasa, Mr. Hanson, with a number of residents were at the landing to welcome the pleasure seekers from Steele. On landing the visitors wended their way, some to tho hotel, others sought the lakes, while some proferred to roam through the beautiful forest groves and picnic in a real old fashioned way. There is not a more beautiful spot in Southeast Kootenay for a picnic than Wasa, it is an ideal outing place, and nothing is more=delightful than the genuine old fashioned welcome which .'is generously tendered to all by mine host Mr, Nils Hanson. ' 7 \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' At 0:45,. the .steamer started on her return trip, an.I when Steele was reached everybody was do- lighted at,the. success of the excursion, as tlie whole trip was one, of extreme pleasure to all on board. __. A vole of thanks was.'tendered fo Captain Armstrong for the special .pains, taken l>y him to make the initial excursion a source of pleasure to all. I ' ' Geological Survey. ,J. W; G. Leach, who last year had charge of the Geological during the past three years as surveys in the Crow's Nest Pass mining. I locating government coal lands, Nor is the immediate field of j-was expected in Fort Steele this progress confined to Southeast week, to make arrangements foi Kootenay,' but. the entire province is exhibiting a spirit I of another years' work on the sam.e liues as last year. Some Facts Regarding- the Mining Outlook of the District. The< principal wealth producing minerals of Southeast. Kootenay has so far been silver- lead and coal, with a small annual output of gold ' from the placer mines. Many gold quartz prospects are now being developed ou Wild Horse and Perry creeks. The prospecting and development of galena propositions in the Sol kirks and the main range of Ihe Rockies goes steadily on and a, number of properties have reached a condition that, shipments can be made. , Copper in paying quantities is known to exist at Tobacco Plains on thc headwaters of the St. Mary's river, and in the main range of the Rocky Mountains. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD Large deposits of iron haye been located on Bull river. Dibble creek and Baker, Mountain. Tlie big .iron beds of the district will no doubt surprise the world in production' and quality when once it enters upon the producing stage. 'All over< Southeast Kootenay there are mines that are rapidly being developed. Perhaps in no section of the province is tho outlook for mining brighler than in the Fort Steele Mining Division. In-the mountains, on both sides of the Kootenay river tho prospector and mi ire owner are slowly hut surely\" driving tunnels, or sinking shafts to cut the numerous veins .which out- crop',on the mountains. In,, Southeast Kootenay' is found three, large producing mines, one the St. Eugene pronounced to.be the largest silver- lead ui'ino on the American Continent: Yet, we find the mining industry of the district, handicapped by lack of transportation and we are sure, that it.would be to the interest, of the Canadian Pacific Railway, also the Groat Northern, \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD to investigate thc mining possibilities, and chances for tonnage. Tho quiet, yet, persistent development of the mineral resources, the'.daily increase of ore on dumps of properties now being worked, all demand increased railway facilir.ies. To build railways requires substantial evidence of tonnage. The questions which always arise when enterprises looking towards the development of the district are inaugurated have all been met and answered: The Estolla mine, situate on Tracy creek, has a large amount of ore blocked out, the owners will install a large concentrating plant this summer. The Tiger Poor- man group of mines has ore enough on the dump to become a shipper; while other small properties have' 'a considerable amount of, ore ready for shipping To the north, in the Windermere district a large daily tonnage is \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDin'sight awaiting the ail vent of a1 railway.; Smelters, in tlie 'Kootenay valley are assured as soon'as the pfqinotors receive the ' necessary informal ion regarding preliminary, railway arrangements. While there are many, doubters in the district, 1-hero are a_still larger number of mine owners who have a linn faith in tlie future who have foresight enough to put l.heir^ji.flairs iiifo condition to anticipate the coming of tho iron horse. inspection of properties owned by the company, and located near the North Star and Sullivan mines. \" -- Activity in Lumber, There is increased activity among the timber men in South 'east Kootenay. During the past winter many million feet of saw logs have- been cut, .and tho annual output of manufactured lumber,' will be doubled this year.r If is stated that about 300 men are now at work in tlie,'different camps, besides as many more seat'.ered all over the district engaged in getting out ties., \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD At. Wasa, Mr. Hanson has nearly a million feet of choice lumber ready for shipment. DESTRUCTIVE SNOW STORM. Card of Thanks. The trustees, staff\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD and pupils of the public school desire gratefully jto acknowledge the kindness of Captain Armstrong of the steamer \"North Star\"' in providing gratuitously the means' of so; much pleasure and profit at tthe excursion to' Wasa on Monday. They jtvish, him and his-venlures all success. \"7 \"-. ' Per Committee. Kootenay River Rising. The Kootenay river rose twelve inches in the past twenty four hours ending at G p.m. Fri-, day. The rise today will be considerable as every tributary stream is adding its quota to the angry volume of water that is flowing in the Kootenay. Cer'tifi- Extension of Free Miner's cates. The Minister \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD of Mines has presented the following b'ill in theo Provincial Legislature; to' further relieve the \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD members ,of the - Canadian forces ' in' South Aff'ica from complying with the provisions of the \"mineral\" and \"placer mining\" acts in respect of mining properties held by them. , 1. . This-Act, may be cited as thcc \"Canadian Contingent Exemption Act, 1901'.\" \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD 2. The Canadian Contingent ExempJ-ion Act, 1900,\" aud the \"Canadian Contingent Exemption Act Amendment Act, 1901,\" are hereby repealed. 3. All Free Miners' Certificates held by members in any capacity i)f the Canadian or Imperial forces who are now serving, or who have Will Visit Southonst Kootenay. . Leslie Hi H.C.E., has been appointed attorney for the Hastings Exploration Syndicate. It is reported that Mr. Hill will visit Southeast Kootenay during the coining month on a tour of served, in South Africa, aud in force at the time said members left British Columbia, shall, without any further payment, be extended until midnight of the 31st day of May, 1903, all matters and things in the \"Mineral Act'\" and amending Acts and the \"Placer Mining Act\".and amending Acts to the contrary notwithstanding. 4. The assessment work, on all minerai claims so field under the provisions of the \"Mineral Act\" and amending Acts by any member of any of the said forces now serving, or having served, in South Africa, shall be deemed to have been done one calendar month before the time of the holder leaving British Columbia, and therefrom continuously uiitil midnight on the 3lst day of May TD03. ';\"' ' 7 ' . ' '',-== i' Ti. All claims .that -may be held under the \"Placer Mining Act,'' and amending Acts by any of the members of said forces shall be considered as laid over continuously from a day one calendar month before flic holder thereof left British Columbia, until midnight on the 31st day of May, 1903. , Recent rains have improved crop conditions. No change is reported in the price of lead. Elk River Bridge Carried Away.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD , Crow's Nest Railway Service Disorganized. , , The most severe storm that has visited Southeast Kootenay, for several years was that of Sunday last. If practically se-t. in on Saturday night, and rained\" continuously until Sunday noon when it developed into a most severe snow storm. At Tracy creek 20 inches of snow fell, at Fernie ten inches, at'Fort Steele the ground was covered to a depth of three inches. That the storm covered a,largo area was evident, and not. till late on Monday morning did the storm abate its fury. No large amount of snow fell west of the Koolenay river, but a large and heavy fall is.reported to the east in\" the Rockies. Tho result of the storm is that, every river and mountain stream is raging, and a large amount of damage done. On the Crow's Nest railway conditions are bad, several bridges are out, huge landslides and washouts have taken place, and it'is hot probable that the road will be open for traffic for several days, although every effort is being.-put forth by the company to re-establish the service. '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD On Wednesday evening word was received at the. Government office that the long .bridge crossing Elk river had gone out: No washouts have\" been reported north of Fort Steele. Advices received on Thursday from Elko,, state1 that the big bridge across Elk river, on the main trunk road' to Tobacco Plains was,, completely washed out on Wednesday. All communications between Elko, and the Plains i.s. interrupted. Government Agent, Armstrong left Fort Steele on Thursday, morning to make, arrangements ' for the putting in of a ferry boat. Advices received on Friday sta,te that the upper bridge ou Sand creek is also washed away,' but this i.s of little-, importance. On .Thursday there,, were no trains on the Crow's Nest Branch On Friday a report was received from tho government agent, Mr. Armstrong, that the Elk river, bridge was a total loss, the entire structure being carried away. He also stales that there is danger of the Coal creek bridge going out. The railway bridge at this, point is also in danger. . \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD During the last twenty-four hours the Kootenay river has risen nearly two feet, every tributary stream, is swollen, and the water of the Kootenay is now at high water mark, and .with a few days warm weather, there is no' telling how high it will go.. . :7.'',\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD-, .'\"' 7\" ' - All the bridges,in the northern portion of the district, have been inspected and- pronounced iii good qondifion. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD-.' ; Latest Storm.Reports. .Friday, May '-i'S-.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDTrade blocked, traffic suspended mail service demoralized on the Crow's Nest railway. The railway bridge, at Coal creek is in' adangorous.condition Michel creelc bridge east of FernieAvenf out oh Thursday.. The Belly river , has cleaned out. the big bridge at Lethbridge and St. Mary's river has washed out three miles of track. Heavy mud and rock slides near 'Kitchener block trains from tho. west. Telegraph lines down east of Fernie, all rolling stock tied up on thc Crow's Nest Branch: . Fencing at Tobacco PlainB. There is a movement on foot lo put a fence along the International boundary at Tobacco Plains. The sotllers are moving in the matter and it,is likely that something will be done to protect the ranges' in the vicinity of the boundary that are now being over-run by cattle and'horses coming from the south. . , MINE EXPLOSION AT FERNIE IS md One Hundred and Sixty Miners Entombed.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDMine on Fire ,, '* 0 S-jui'Ial io Thk I'uospei'Tiik. Fernie, May 23.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDA terrible explosion of gas occurred in the Coal Creek mines at 7 p.m. last evening. One hundred and fifty miners are killed or wounded. ' The mine , i.s said to be ou fire. All communication between the'mino and Fernie is cut off. Fernie, May 211\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDThe explosion at tho Coal Creek mines, which occurred at 7:30 p.m. on' Thursday evening was'the worst fatality'that has ever occurred in Southeast, Kootenay; no detailed report of the disaster is obtainable. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD Latest report:\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDA terrible explosion occurred in theoinines of the Crow's Nest Coal Co. at Coal- crook, last Thursday evening at- 7:30 p.m., entombing ' from 160 to' 175 miners, and setting the mine on fire. Several .were taken out from near the entrance dead, the remainder have all perished either by suffocation or being burnt to death. Tho Coal Company have shut off all communication between the mine and town aud no further particulars are obtainable. No explanation Jias yet been made as to the cause of tho explosion, ft stated that at least 1-10 are still entombed in the mine. The explosiou occurred in No., 2 mine, which carried death to l;\")0 miners, only five bodies hav* so far been recovered. Not a man escaped from No. 2 mine, and only 21 from No. 3.\" Rescuing parties are hard at work, but gas makes operations slow. The town is grief stricken,' the cries of widows and orphans are heard on all sides. The Crow's Nest, Coal mines, in which the explosion occurred are situated on Coal creek some six miles from the town of Fernie, having immediate connection with the town by rail and telephone. ; There are three working seams at Coal Creek which have been extensively developed, which gave employment to nearly 1,000 men. Many nationalities 'are represented by tho working -force at the mine, the Slav element being most prominent, though Scandanavians: Italians, English and: Welsh miners-''are freely represented. The mines are worked from levels. There arc'no ascending or descending in cages. The ventilation' of. the mine and the removal of the in* flammable gases was carefully looked after by the 'management the most modern system of yen- '.tilating plants having been installed. -.Every precaution .\"was observed for the safety-df the men'employed. ' Resigned. . Nurse Ruth Folsou, matron at- the'.Diamond Jubilee Hospital at Fort Steele, has tendered ' her .resignation to 'the Board of Directors lo take effect on 28th of June. : The Gun Club. Members of the Fort Steela Rod and G-uiy Club were shooting at: the traps on Thursday afternoon. Several good scores were made. THE PROSPECTOR FORT STEELE, B. C., MAY 21, 1902. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDijj> $}p0&p\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDk0K< ESTABLISH I?! > IM*. . A. B. Graces, ITBLISIIKK ANp, KDlTOlt. THE PROSPECTOW, is published e>crv SatiirJiiv/.,tii'ul lias a guaranteed c,idilation larger ilianiuiy other paper In la-i Kootenay. It is all home Printed and contains double il.e-.iic-.vs of any other papci in the'district, As an .ldvirtisins \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDineJi>:in it lsun- Devotcd id the upbulldhis oU^drt'Steel-e, Alje development of the vast iiiiuera,l resources o(. ihe'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDiist Kootenay mininn ilistnci., \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD - .-_\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD subscriptions -i..1!: A.-.....'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD..A'-S-S-OO'per ;.y;ear f^vertli^ Cdntril'utions are .solicited'froni all parts of the district, but-all inauer,-iniended for pubhcaiion must have the writer's signature.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD',;','.- . -.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD,.-;,!, T Ll IO D A D C Q Is kept ori'tile at the adycr-, I nlo rMrtrt usiiif-iitifiicy oi; Alaxaiuler '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'iOb'.;'SuIte\"'T\"'.'-. FlrSi'National Hanlt\"-Uullcluij,'. Spokane, Wash., where, ccintraets.ean be miute torit. ,\"',\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'''.-'' \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD';\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD: ..'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD-\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD':.-___!_ Tl,!\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' Dniinn ;is,:lcept.' on ille^at\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD;'K. ,0. ThlS r!aperA'daICKS .A-dv-f-rWj-iiu' Agency,'eA and OS, .Mereliatu.s'.'Kxehaiii-'tf. San Francisco. California, where contracts for -.111- vertisinu can bo.made for it. ..\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'.V.''.'\". .'A I IIIS raper, Kim & 'Co- Newspaper Ad- vetlsinc Auency. Montreal, where- coiitrat'ts \"for advertising can be iiiade for \"\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD-__/_ -, \"A \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD hr-iv';^ \"'o.i',-\'<-i'f.As ('i'.\":.-sale at - ' store,. SpokanC'.AVV'ash. . '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD';\"'._ - \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD;,\" - ' .ff vv.* s '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDijoo.it: re,.'\"orm. Di is 1 in: oi'tiee with a. fat -salary they are al'ter,/ \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD:, - - '* *,\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD ,'\"\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD , \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' ' T'b.ere is, an old bachelor;\"in this* town who has been waiting on llio same \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDirl . nidre than twenty, years. He : must lack, a \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDgreat deal of nerve. '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD''\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD ; It is ehoiigh to make.old,.Spain laugh in. her-;sleeve everyvtinib she-thinks a-boiit.',11o\v nicely -ashe shoved he'r-P'lin'ippine'troubles off on Uncle Bain's .shoulders. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD &\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD&&MM%ffl^ jt2i*i \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD#.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD \"\"-?\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD*\"\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\" *5t2 \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD.f~r' Head Quarters for Wlining and Commercial Men ;.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD-^l^txdr0p-ectwv \"SATC.KDAY,yMAYi 24,vim :\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD ,>-\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD;. -',-.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD;'\"\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD: ,'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD - -' ' --ti' A*'' ii !7;T*NqA:Eiie'rii.ie;s:-'to. iBu^iigh- Special Friends to.Serve7'777. ...*\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD ,A- \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD i\"* -':\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD .\" (\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' i ;m Yp.Mp$jWi a.. ,;A7mihthg,-::A!A,h:: oi^'-.-^plaeer.v ^Southeast ,'-;,.To'',Greet French\"Visitors.:; \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD,',';..._ 7 Washington,' , IV. C,,7May 20,-~. .Several vessels -'of'..\"the vTvorih : Allah tic ;S i[u ad roii, left tod a y;';.'. t 0 7u^eet'the French \v;'ii'slii;|),paulois^ .which 7, has 'on 7boai;(:l'7 thpAAdis-' :.'tui;g''itished7deleg^ to -represent the Frenelr g'ovei'n- ,meut7at tlio; llcu^huuiL>v^a 11 nionii- ; meiit dedication7 ;7 Tl>p'; Ua'uloisTi will be7escoi;toa from '-',the-' C'a[>e> \" to' H an 1 p foil, 7R 0 a 0 %;'t 0, be-in at>by' 'theA-b 111 aitulerofAhe; -72-ToiH'li- yAt-. .lautT^squjidron. \vlii7-h \yi,ll:'-'con- j' ! vpy:' her;;7to;7:7Vh'i,i:;l>)ipl is\"': fit 7i iie;| French: vessel 7arrives 6ii'7:schecl-: i lile;'tii.ue -the7.yisit,v7j7>;\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD w'i 11 be7';:for'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' f taiiily ''.wplcG'm'&dffAtyAuniipf} ii>: ,-t6iiioi-i';bW;-':.-''b7y7-';7li ttl e^^being '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD;\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD dp ne 77';7'7An7tliis;brancli7pf ,th6;--:-)ni,i.'nivig(7,:in^', -',...-,:..A'-{ '-vli-\"'-':- \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\"'^--''.'v\";-\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD''\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'.. v '*''', p ^ 'vyyyy-. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD .-\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD.::\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD-,. A-,-'.A:.dustry\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD-.-A>,.-*'-'':' 'y-ykfyf fi'iy ify'v- e-A .-\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD i7r ^-ijsTi;'^77\" !\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD.. ';1'^i7.^\" 7- A :*: ;^.\"^i; ,7 -^ 7- -^a! 7 v7^;; a7,. >;77;^; -;v- wf 7V::77'7 .T!liGr^7isvi7'v7;y;a;s 17:\" f [u a'n ti ty7.i.bf A,777,nse;f.ul7: 'ihinerals7;:;;1it''7v^but,lf0a;s;t; .777''\"';.Kbp,tenay^7^yhiplr.,i,a 7;;.7.A?cl fe ti'ibu'l6d;'77ab \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD7^;7leveis7. Of At Iie7 :y^IlSy\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD77^*,itli; buf' 77:,'77:fe)v,prp:p;ertjos1Jha ;:77:,a;'(:lepth .vbejio^y.\"..^'^!.!\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD!\". jevc'l.:;7None' 7 7: :of ;the,rjiig.;silvei;7lcadA properties A-\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'fnro.trbtibled'.witli water,: a.1'1 yhQ-' 7;7ihg 'drained ;f7by ' na,turaf means.; ' 7This cireumsfaiice ;i'ehders:;inin-'; \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD:' A,iiig,in tips district;conrparatively .\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD basy;'aiid7chqap,7'li*c'7 si nrpl if ies 'it 7':;7so:' nnich-'as' to enable men- who ;ire''hot practicalAniners: to -wbrk; ',\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' 'and develop their mines.-:-Mines. \" ''.;\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD.'in..-,this :,district-,cair be7'ppened, 7, .\"and\"conducted wifh.'a small capi-- 77,taI7 Al]7thatris rpquii'ed to;;mak(2 \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD Aprbspects.mineSA in fhiS'district, is the.erectip'n pf;place;s\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD of;treat-'. 7; ment and- 6lieap:?trausportation.;; 7 77 WitL Ai'L eapj lr o me 7 treat me ii t7 f p r :'.-,.'7-.\".t.lie'-.' 'products.',;'' of 7'pur,7mines,; 7' Spvitliea7st7Eooteuay would .take ;. A7a:prominent place.iii i.he:mineral ,.,7 industry, of the -world.,. -\"\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD - 7 -,\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD-..-.- '.-',-\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD The histbry of .'British- Columbia, an'dv.. particularly . that'.of. :.vS.oiitheast:Kootenay .seems; like 7 7 'a ronmnce'when we read of the: rapidt development of the coal and metriliferous \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDmines'.'- . -The . building of,railways 'under -ad- ' verse circumstances, the creation of-large and important towns in the heart of tlie mountain,ranges all within the .space .of a, very . few years. The construe tion of smelting'-'aiid reri.ni.ng works '. -in''\"the 'Kootenay,' valley will prove an important factor in, the upbuilding -Of: the mining industry- in.this district. : ;;idav7 wiil:,co'me tp: this :cit;v7 .. I-,.,,. -fV:.-.-.-. ......v \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD:-...':.,.-.- ..,,; .\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'.-. i-\"'i'..'\"W'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD!,\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD>. 7 7777i-mb<7!777I3l^ rbaCfc'p*]s7Avifin,|iig7'bi;i,7iit^7tt)p!',y'# ;A-7'7EIave'7;vbu7trreti7it.7r'77 f-yy'vy-yy 'fi-iyy?. ii-^ I h '(i'!X#g's: '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD tliev ;.ii re' y a lix\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD.\v. 'Vy.':.k::.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD:\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD -y-yy \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD:;\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD ViVj A','-'A'A, 'VV^-y' \"-' \" A .\"'''-V'i:'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD:,' abj6.. '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\"-ffyfi-yyyy ffy:f-'v'i,yf$' . A;ft ei \"r W b',r'le :h ri&x e r c i s e; * Canadian RAIIi,1ATAY *>ooth(-.i!;'.tir^V7'! iini'Vc!ea,',;'',rt*-,''.; move^v^yora-'; noss unci ^tU*V; m;\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDi4.VttiU.jrive* the/.ii'ml/'rt'.foelini; fltrcu^th. ,-, \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD,V\"':..,i.7.v, a'-; .\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\";-'-'7-' \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\")\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD l.)iin,!t -take tlie \veakv ^vatfcry \vitcll hazel preparations7 roprcSiihtCii to ,be\"V.*th*^:vsam,e7 as'y.Ponii's' Ji.xtrcct'i'_7 w hiciri easily ;5'o'u'r and ;generally/ c6.n(tain \"wooti ulcoh'ol,'.' a: deadly poisonl;.;;.;\"^ 'f-fy A i'f'if^ff'yiy'fyi. '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDyify'- :r''>'7:'7 \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD', SHORT LIKE BETWEEN \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD;, STPAUL\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDCHICAG0 0MAHA\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDeHICA60 KafSasCity-CritCAGO. 77\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD|^M; ..;.'L.-Yetroit7.:f yif 'Wy'\"'$h VM ^.Montreal;^ ii'^^orre'si^Ondiir^;^^^!^]:?!!^:!!^ ttl 1.7:7 Ko'o teria v'-: poi ii;lS7 -!t f >i TUsuaJ \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD 'd^iye'rse;;'rOutes.:':;7A-7\"';77;;7;;f7 Me als7 viand 75bGr tiii;7;i'nci ud pd,7-7bn v'vyif panadiah7;i?aci,n'C'71al\;p/ ii.iyf \"7a..:-77,7 7a ';7steamer5.77777:,\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD. yf -.;.. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD-ii.Thrbiigh'bookiiiys7t()l5iiropi':t> VjitAal) Atlantic.lines.,\"if,,. ,,-;\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD:,: ify-.'yy,:,'.; ,7: :7 v. - ,:\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' -.Prepaid; ticketsA.ffom'- tillvA; : .'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' points at lowest,rates.\" \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD. y.fi.i .-, J;;-S * CAIiTER;. 7 E: J. COILE, Dis7 Pass a Agt.77\" 7'777'. A7'&.' P,7; A7;' \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD Nelsbn7 :\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD ;: ; 7 Vaneouver- CoiMng Townmoiff^Easti fff:fiff-:fvyf'-f:'--ffffyfyii.fy-;A iifi;^^ AA>|7j:;;77:A7:7;;f-;;--A7Lim y'iyfyl^ .'..%' ;|j5;NqW7BS;,l07iL;E77T^^ Q.fe7the'-')\"ea:'rA:.^777;;7i|^ -><-y-,yw i^^l||it^||7iS 'P.ass. Agent.A- :.\"fSPOKAIv:E:', 'IT 'Gehei-aPAgeiit,; \"portlan-d; >i \" .'. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'. The i-eason som-e-' men elected to ,ol1ice so .easy cause tlie jieopl'e have not \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD: tliein out. . get is b'(.\" c.-::-- 01111(1 Public InquiriQS' Act, PUBLIC- .NOTICiv is -ln-reb'y A-'iven .that' nioetinirs-of-Ui'e Coraiiii^sioti issued to.. W.' ti. Huiloek-.Wfbstci;. Esc]., of Nelson, 'to'.holcl an imiuiry into tiioadmiiiisiriition of tlie V Liquor Licence ,.Vc't ! l'90(j'\". jn.Jlie Fort Steele Lu'oiiee ,Distric,.t.:w-ill.l.K,-hfrl'(l 11s follows: -\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD ' ; '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD,. ,.: .-U.Moyie on -Iiiih'\"Mil j'-. .1902. lit IU o'pioek: ii.'m. At Elko on u'Tth.May, i'.VJ-.'at T'o'elock. p.m.... \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDVt Ktfrnie riii .*il'tli M:iy'. Il'lC lit'IX) o'eloc'lca.'T],; .\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDVt ('',rain)i-ti. 41b .hi'no. I'.Kii. at lo.o'eloek aim.- A \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD A . '.' At Fori Steele onTub .Ih'ih.\". i'.H<2. at .'' o'elocl; p.m.'.'-. - . ,. ; ' ' \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD Of. \".vliicii all-..per.s'.ui.-, Int,-i-r>l.ed :u-e bereb.v re.jiiiretl .o i.:ik*,' m.lii-e :ni.l uovr-rji ibemsulves ueroAliri'-'ly. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD ,' . ' ','\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD',' .(..i'iSTOf.'.K Ii, i:'(-miii-:'s, \" ' . S'<*i-r>.-!.:i!-.v to tin! (jVi.in)nissii)i\i\"V. Kii,riii'-rl(-y. H. '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'.. I\"l.li Mjiv. ll.irj, , \" '' , . t Some people's 'conscience-just \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDextends'far onoiii**!i Io see I'hcir nei^libors faults. -,.-x- * * \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD..'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD 'The same - hand '-lhal inak-es people love music and ' Dowers makes tb<;tn sociabh.' a-nd kind. *. * * Don't borrow trouble. You have enough al ready. Hut few politicians believe in 7 7 13ut if you.are going east,write us for puiv.ra7tes7and-: let us tell ;you 'about' the service and,acconnhodati6ns7pffered, ',;by'':the;;77';7;:7777-77-v a..- ;.;\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD .':\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD';:;.yy A- -.....'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD;:..;:. .\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD..- ;7.';;7\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD7iyyy \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD IL-LINOi^ QENTRAL. RAILROAD Tli rough tourist cars 7 via tlie rilinois Central from Pacific Coast to Chicago1 anil Cincinnati. >-'7 '\".'^7-'^^:;' 'a ' y 7'7. 7''' '\"'-'ifi }yyf, Don't fail to write us about your' trip as 7we>-: 77 ,\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD;\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD . are in'a position to give you some valuable .-in-; formation -.and. assistance^ 5319 miles of track \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDa over which is operated some of the finest, trains . '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' in the world. ., '. - '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\".,..- ,- \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'-'. 7, For particulars regarding freight Or piissenger : rates call- on or address 7' '. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\".\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'.'. , . ' \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' .-\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDJ.' G. L1NDSEY \"\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD .-'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD B. H. TRUMBULL 7, t. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD P.\" & PAA.', \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD - . \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD ' (Join'l -Agt. 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T#? t\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD? ?\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDT ?\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDT ?\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD? \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD?\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD? ?\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDt ?\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDT ?#T ?\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD? -?\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDT -Wf.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' ?\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD* Hi* ?\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD? U* * V a? *\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD? t\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD? ?\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD? Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c Anronn fomlliii\" n rkeH-b nn'l ,b'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDerli.Mf,n miiy f|,il\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDl(lv ,m,:\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDrl,,ilii t.itr (,i,,t,i..n (lire vAn-ltuT un lii\-'.f,l l',n i\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD [,rnliMl,ly.I,,it''i,l/il,li\"- ''..iMiiiiinlrn- I ,..liM.|[riel'lyc'inll,lf!MH,,l. 1 Iji||,!I\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD,'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDI' ,,,, fMt'.lil.H , n.Mil In'i'.. fil,l\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDM( \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDye,i,:v lor |.\"-u, iiii.'j.ul.'lil .^. l\"nl,.iil\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD lak,>ii t.lir,,,ii.-h .Miinn .t (',,. r<,r\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD-h''' tycruit notice, wIMi.tni eluirui!. In 1 In, Scientific flmerican. ,V hnwlHonu'lI* lllilitnite'l w.\"<'klv. Lnrt-nst. olr- niliillou \"f iiiiv'cciciitlllc! Jiiiirniil... Titiiih. l'-i n ye.ir: four ninntlin, f I. Solil liynll neivsde.'ilcrn. MUNN&Go.36,Broad^-New York Urnncli ontcc. (12fi K .HI.. WimlihiKtoii, I). V. ADVERTISE. IN THE PROSPECTOR. :*r _*i -\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDT ft ft ft ft i'' \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD- ft \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDft ft ft ft ifi \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD:\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD*1l Kootenay Hotel ft ft- Boundary Line Tobacco Plains, B. C. JULES HUREL. Proprietor. Cool) ACCOMMODATION l'X>l\" TIIA VKIJil NCJ \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD MION A First Class Home i_......._.. .^. .,j,. -. ft . ..-4'.. ' ?\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD? i'i --\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD ft ft ft :-i*i \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD i'i -ft \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD# i'i \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD..\"( ..Manufacturer..of all Kinds ofiLumber, Cr ment of'.seasonedTLumber and Shingles always S^ \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD',\"'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' v7''''::-.'\" -\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' ; 7\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'-':''\",.''/:'bn':'liand.;' .'A--7.-7. S= a ' : .DIMENSION7, LUMBER 7SPECIA7LTY. 7 =3. [:7:;77;:;MS;fl('7,:;;-7 ; : 'P.ort7 \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD Steele JBrewittg - Go. .-,'.\-.'\"^--'V-'-FOPtrT\"'-\"STTEELEi\"- B.aCa, \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\"\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD;\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD... MANUh1 ACTlJIiiillS and BREWERS OF EXTRA PINE Sfu.n'e line 1( Kriilii.y ;il K n, in I S a.m. . iives K'ootenay Hotel for Elko on Monday and ';\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD', Leaves.Elk Hotel on Tuesday and SatuiVvj W & day ii BEER ^5* PORTEK SOLD BY THE '-BARREL, KEG OR BOTTLED Holtlecl beer for .family use a specialty .0UTSI.DK'.QRDElis'Gil VEN,STRICT \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD PROMPT ATTENTION SATISFAeTIQN^^ utz & Scott, Prop's. 7j P. O. BvX 812 TELEPHONE NO. I /.- THE PROSPECTOR, PORT, STEELE, B. 07 MAY 21, 1905 \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDhe ?$K0&pcci0ic -SATUIIDAV, MAY '2Y. I'lO'-'. Cuba Takes Place Among- Nations. Havana. Cuba, May i'0.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDThe new Cuban Republic was ushered in with iittiii'i: ceremonies today. It is a fete day thmu\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD-hout the island, a day to which every patriotic man, woman and child has been lookiiif*' forward since earliest recollection\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDthe day of Cuban freedom, hi the capital it wa.s u-sh'ered in with the booming of'cahnon and playing of ' bands, the\" discharge of ii reworks and oilier noisy ma ni Testations ol'the people's delight. It was ' a holiday everywhere. Business wa.s almost entirely suspended while Ihe people gave themselves up to'the full enjoyment of the occasion. The Cuban ling was everywhere displayed, but, scarcely less iu evidence was the Stars and Stripes.- At an early hour people began to assemble about the', palace whore, the ceremonies of the day \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDthe transfer of the insular government ' from thc United States to the newly elected officials of .the republic\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDwere held. True republican simplicity mark the launching of thc latest born among'the family'of nations, but the; ceremonies nevertheless wer,croxtroinely impressive. Thc hall in,., which the ceremonies were *'lield was crowded with notable. The. chief actors were General .Wood, the \"retiring governor of the .island and his staff, and Senor Tomas Estrada Pal ma. president of the new re- ,public, aud other officials of the now insular government. General Wood made a brief speech, stating, in substance. Ihat he'Iiad received notification of the election of, Ihe7 President and Congress; 'that this\" newly elected body had signified its, readiness .to undertake tho grave ' responsibilities of government and. that 1-ho-bfoiir-i'or the inception of its duties had arrived. In, the name of the United Slates .he charged it- vyi.i h.jthe signiticanee of'the-terms of .the^'aris Treaty \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDAmber\" Plug Smoking To biicco is winning on its merils. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'Have you tried it?\" '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDSave the Tags, they are valuable.\" Notice to Delinquent Co-owners. To Joseph Medium, .1 XV. McCuini nml W .V. IIni i is, ur to .1 tiv person or persons to \"Alioin liny or tiny <>l lliein may liavc traiisti'ireil llieli or Ills inli'i-i-sl, in llie -\" Ui\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD_' liend Hoy\", 'Uoui'.v Ojinl\"' . ' Queen or Slielja iiiul \"ICuitf Solomon' iniin-ral claims, known us the \"Golden 1'ive Oioup ' .-Did situato at llu: Korlts ot Wild Horse ui-uuli, In the Port Steele .MiiiiiiK Ulvlsloii ol Mast, Kootenay anil recnrdeil In the olllcu of the Miinni,'Hiicoriler at 1'Virl Steele. Vou and each of you are hereby notilleit Iiiul, 1 hiivu expended +2 Kim in assessment woil. on ihi! abnvo inentloned minoral claims since ihe Kth day of AujrusU A. 1)., IK94, under the piovl.slons of llie Mineral Act. And if within ninety days from the date ol this iiotlce. vou tail, or icfuso to contribute your portion ol such expenditure together willi all costs ol advertising, your and eaeli of your interests in said cluiins will become tlie piopeily of the 'jnder.sis,'ned under Section J of an Act entitled \"An Act to Amend the Mineral Act, ItHHlV. Dated at Fori, Steele this \".'\"ill day of March, lint!. IJ- ('. M. I'Altl'I'l* ' ftftft FORT STEELE The Miiii^ First-Class | FARM FENCING ONLY 30Cents per ROD KOli SAI.K MY\" THE ONT. WIRE FENCING CO., LTD. Picton, Ont: . JI1SEKAI. ACT IHWI. (I'OKM f.) iJllKI'iriCATK OF IMl'HOVKMI'.NTS. NOTICE. Onuliti'iiiiui iind Kodive Mineral \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD= Claims. Situate in the l\"*ort Steele Mlnin\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' Division of South litisi lCootenay District. ' Wliere louined: About one and one hall' miles X. VV. rrom the l'lielt Urktui' on Hull Kiver. Take nonce that I,-, David 1\. Newell. Free Miner's,Certificate No **M HKil\", Afient lor Davuf GriRllh. Fife Miner's Cerlilicatc No. \"H KltllS\"; iniEiid. sixty days Iroin llie date hereof, to apply lo tlie Miiiinfe' Recorder for .i f'erliflcaieor Iniprove'ineiits. for the purpose of obtainiiii,' a Crov.n Oram oi the above claims. Ami Inrther lal;e notice that action, under section :*7. mum'be commenced belore the Issuance of such Certificate ot Improvements. Dated this 11th dav or April, A.D.. 10M. IB- , ' DAVID K. NICVVF.T.L. Tlie I\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDargest:,;7!'A;,,\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\"''; Mineral Areas,.7-7%--' and the Most 77 - Cxtensi ve;;:^|-'i|;'V'- Goal Fields on the American Continent are Situatedjlnf77p7-^7777 South East Kootenay Agriculture G-raxing and the Lumber Indiurfi^y .-are '-P'roxnliifc^; a7.^;>^ J\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD*ttflL.;tj^ \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD ;'; | \",;.\"7_ \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD!/ ';\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD;'<\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD ' '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD ^ '\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD; - A'1':;;.- .'-..'A.'\" f'y-'.f' \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD,*.' :.:*\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD' yw K Oo&'b Cotton Boot Compound Is success!nlly nsed monthly by oyer '10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladles ask ^ your druggist for Cook'i Cotton Boot C*m- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and Imitations are dangerous. Prioe, No. 1, $1 per box: No. a, 10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. The VTPS9^^^^WMW^l^i. through Fort SteeleI^Taplp' District. K5^;oi^ Greatest Mineral \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDiy.. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD:\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD'-, \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD&;- Choices Business a^ .iv,fyyy< fyyv-c&v :-y- \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD,i >.snk*,i u-M,\",',.,,' 'ii 1,1 Qiil-ic \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDM 8, mailed on receipt of price and two 8-cent and Ctl^Myr* P poll til 1\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD sll,?:sC1,1Dt- stamps. TheOookConipuy Windsor^Ont. to,, a '.^ai'llit'iil compiiiincc lo the stipulations oi' 1 lit:.Plait amendment. President Palm'a replied in the name-.-.ai .h-iiuweir and his companions. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD Me- aslced General Wood to inform*President Roosevelt and the people of thc United States of the Cuban's gratitude for tho fulfill menl .of their desires and aspirations lo be an independent people.' Those brief ceremonies concluded the Cuban \"ovornmenl was\" declared\"1 o7 be* in force, its Hag raised over llie palace and the change of authority public ly proclaimed. Tho church bolls through Havana? were rung in joyous celebration of the -event und -a .solemn high mass of thanksgiving was, celebrated in the Cathedral. In the afternoon General Wood, willi his stall', went'abonWKlio cruiser Mrooklyn which is to convey him to Wasli- |3Er~Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists iu Canada. Nos. 1 nnd 2 .-old in Fort Steele by A. VV. JSleasdell. r>rii!*.<*i.-t. ANDREW, NEIDIG GONTRflGTOR and BUILDER riOUSK AND SI UN PAINTING CALCJMLNlN'i ami l'Al'KI* HANGING POKL-STEFiLB, 13. C. fd^y All work .promptly done. y'yM. ...: \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD, .(K - '- \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD AAAAlAA Apply to R. L. T. Tb#iisit\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD Office. ington. .Jpig New-Jersey'Shoot. Freehold. N7 ,)., May i'0.\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD There was a large attendance of well-known shofs this morning at the' opening of Ihe annual tournament of llio , New Jersey State Sportsmen's association. Some excellent scores wore made in the live target* events which comprisedVthe ilioriling's pro- giumine. This afternoon the Individ fii^ at 50 targets,.. is bejiig shot 'off. The tournament', cbntiuiies until Saturday. . . 7.' . ^''^^andSeiENTIHC THIRTY-HIHTH Y\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDA\"R.: 24Pa^es : Weekly : Illustrated, INDISf ^NSABLR TD MIMNO MEN. $|^|e^Vear,7postpaid? \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD SEN!) FOU BAMPLE COPV. J. TAENHAUSER c WATCIIMAICIOl* tllld .IKWKUI'IU KiiKias iiiK T?ivoi'side Avenue, b'ort Steele, 13. C. l%%%-n.-4'4\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD-&%-4'4-|A*iLMI%%\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDm\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDft\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD%\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD%\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD%\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDWK1 \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD**\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\"\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD-:i>^*>*\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD--s*s**\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD*-\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD**s'*\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD*-\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD-\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD*\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD**\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDs^^ * [gand^cieiitific PRESS 3JO MARKET ST^ SAH FRATfCISCO. CAL. MEN PERMANENTLY CURED wi.nc yiju work tiud wil.liout puin\". of (Jonoi* I'lioeti. Syjiliilih. SeMinl Wi'tiU'tie\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD ;ind till J^rivate Di-sea-e.-. A'siimimmm-Ii\" and Hydrocele cui'eil h|)ei'dil,v and foivvi'i*. No knife and no pa'n. < Iiip painli'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD -olvent, ti'i'tltnioiii ill\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDolve- -t rietiire wli ile yon .sleep \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD it li u uiidci'liil r.ipid il_\ No e.titliny. 'Oliriinie diseases nl' l.he Heart, SUnnaeli, Livep, Ividneys and Bladder cured to:.si ay cured. Quick cure -for Oatarrli and IMieiiiiiatisin. If. unalile to'will,'.write.. Irliniio. t,reat.inent always successful.'.'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD (A'ti.sultat.ion free and cotilidential. , .Address, letters lo-.lk>.\* OH, l ENGLISH.. MEDICAL INSTITUTE The Savoy, Cor.-Howard, and, Main Ave. opp. ('Jrand Hotel. ' Spokane, Wash,,-- lyiarysville-, B. G. BALE & SMALL,| Proprietors p1 The Pioneer Hotel. Comfortable Bedrooms. First Class Diuing Room. . , Best Domestic and Imported Liquors and Cigars The Steele House Fort Steele-, B. C. Centrally Situated pn Riverside Avenue. Conducted pn Up-To-Date Methods. The Best Bar In Town. D. lyicIUeish PROPRIETOR. ^y^y^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.^^^4^^^^ ft \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BDft ft ftft ft ft ft \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD.-'\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD;\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD THE ftft ftft ftft ft' J. HIGHW.ARDEN. PIONEER, BARBER>S.H0F Everything Strictly First Class. \u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD\u00EF\u00BF\u00BD Next door to the Proaper.tor. m REINEMAN, Proprietor. Fort Steele, B. C. Largest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in East Kootenay THE PROSPECTOR, PORT STEELE, B. C, MAY 24, 1902.\n\> \u00E2\u0096\u00A0\nNorth Star Lodge\n\u00C2\u00AE4te 3?ixcra*xj>cio;t\\nNO. 30.\nA. F. AND A. NI. C. R. B. C.\n1*0ivr sTi'i'.i.r is o\nltosular nipotln;'- l-t Tucsdav in ouch\nmonth in clKln o'clocl* Vi-IUnR l'lethern are\ni t.rcl'Ull} Inmcd.\ni:ik llivci Loilw, I\"ti mi'. iP(?ular mectnif,'*?\nlielil tirsi I'iKl.iN oi e.ieh month.\nCranlnooKl.odKO Cianl'iool;, regul.ii* meetings held on llie third Thuisd.i\". of each month.\nH \. Mviiiek, Secretary\nRocky Mountain'Chapter\nfSO. 123. R. A. M.\nFORT STKI'.r.K, H. C.\nRegular meetinj*-.\u00E2\u0080\u00942nd Tuesday in\neach month at uiylu o'clock.\nSojourning r'ompsiiiiiui- are eoi-dially\ninvited.\nR. L. T! Galisraith Scribe K.\nProiessiotieil.\nGeo S. McCartcr. J- A. llarvey\nHARVEY & McCARTER\nlia rrnfe \u00E2\u0080\u00A2\u00E2\u0080\u00A2.\u00C2\u00AB. Solitriimv,\n, Noturks Public,\n, Convei/tmctirn etc.\nI,\n' PORT STEKLR. B. C.\nREVF.LSTOKK STATION andCOLDEN.\n'COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE.\nW. R. ROSS\nBarrister- - -' ' Solicitor\nSAT'JKDAV, MA V 21, 1W2.\n\u00E2\u0080\u00A2MTTrfTTTTTTmiTTTnTTTTrrTTITTffTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-:'\nI LOCAL NEWS. 1\n\u00E2\u0096\u00A0:.ikkkLkikkkiiikkkkkkiikHukkkk.kkuikikkkiiukkkk.:.\nThe steamer North Star arrived on Tuesday evening with\na cargo of hay consigned to\nCarlin & Durick.\nThe great depth of snow in\nthe mountains has greatly retarded mining operations during\nthe past month!\n( \u00E2\u0080\u0094\u00E2\u0080\u0094\u00E2\u0080\u0094\u00E2\u0080\u0094\u00E2\u0080\u0094\nThere will be an excursion to\nWasa on Monday May 20tli\"\nH. W. Ross, who has been ex-'\narnining some mining properties\nat Tracy and Lost creek, i n't ho\ninterest of eastern parties, returned to Spokane on Tuesday.\nThe Kootenay river was two\nfeet lower on Tuesdi.iv morning.\nJohn Hot-nun camo down Iroin\nTracv crook on Tuesday.\nNOTICE.\nNt'TlCK 11 lll\"*l'i:i\"Y UIVJJN thai sl.\t.\\nil.i>s .iltcr date I shall .i]>|>lv iu tlir Clin'f\n(\imiiilssioii(;i ol L.inil\". ami Wuik-, Vii loii.i\nlot llu- piuch.isi; of tin\" following (lcsi riln <1\nvac.tun iovwi l.iiids situate in tin, Disuict nl\nlC.lsl Ivootcn.iv ('O1II11I0IICIIII.' .11 ,t posl III..I I.I'll\n\".1 Hi mm N W.Comci 1'nst sindpo-t In mi.'\npl.iilUil .1 limit \u00E2\u0080\u00A2.IKI li 11 hi li,\\ '1'\\0 acies 11101 o\noi less\nJOHN UHOWN\n-M.i\ 5lh. l(l(i.> 19-\nASSAYING\n('. I'1. Nicholson, '\nI'KTUi-itoi'oroii, IJ. ('.\n;, (Licensed hy I'lovliielul tioveiiiiui'iil )\n(iold-.ind si i\\"i>i- ',,,, -j.:;.(in\nSilvi-r and lead \u00E2\u0096\u00A0 -J.IKi\nUeld, silvef mid I'i iiiiciitimi.\nBefore. After. ^qq^q PJlOipllOdlM,\nThe Great English Remedy.\nSold and recommended by all\ndrugKiBts in Canada. Only reliable medicine discovered. Six\nl^e^ami^-lMKka/jcs i/tiaranteed to cure all\nforms ol Sexual Weakness, all cITeeta of abuse\norexeesa, Mental Worry, KxccaBlve useof'I'o-\nd.icco, Opium or StlmulantB. Mailed on receipt\nof price, one package $1, nix, }5., One will please,\nt>te will aire. Pamphlets fiee to any addresB.\nTho Wood Company, Windsor, Out.\n\u00E2\u0096\u00A0Sold l.y A. W. liloiisdell, l)ru<\"\u00C2\u00BBibt.\n*jj%**\u00C2\u00AB-*'K-*ft#-St-\u00C2\u00AB-'t-fr-f.?\"ft^-:i&^\nI The r^nariian Rank nf Anmmfirfvfi j\n**\u00E2\u0096\u00A0\nTom Fenwick .came up from\nthe ranch on Tuesday. '\nJ. C. Nelson. Tracy crook, was\nat Steele ou \"Wednesday,\nTom Roberts and Gus Thois\nreturned from Perry creek on\nTuesday.\nNOTARY PUBLIC\nCONVEYANCER. \u00E2\u0080\u00A2\nCarliu \u00C2\u00A3 Durick received a\n| consignment of 7u0 bales of hay\nfrom the Fenwick \u00E2\u0096\u00A0 ranch ou\nWednesday.\nFort Steele, B: G\nFort Steele Development Syndicate Ltd\n138 Leadenball Street, London, England.\n,N. A. WALLINGER, FORT STEELE.\nPOST OFFICF. P.OX 8.\nT H O M0A S McVl T T IE\nP.L.S. & C.'E,,\nFort Steele B.C.\nMr. and Mrs. L. W. Forbes,\nKimberley were at the imperial\non Tuesday.\nJohn Macdonald came down\nfrom Marysville on Tuesday. '\nGRASSiCK & DEMPSEY.\nCONTRACTORS \\nAND\nEUTLDERS. \ \"\nFort, Steele B.C\nShaving W, Ilair Dressing Parloi\nFORT STEELE, B. C.\n\u00C2\u00BBF. Ewarts aiid M\".'-Quain,\nCranbrook, were, in town on\nWednesday. \u00E2\u0096\u00A0' '\nTom Sevens. Little Bull River\nwas at Steele on Thursday. \u00E2\u0096\u00A0\nOn Wednesday there were no\ntrains east or west' over the\nCrow's Nest line.\nSt. John's Church oi\" Enpliuui.\nServices will bo held in the\nChurch of St. John the Divine\nevery Sunday ovoniii^-jfi \"i-'AO except on tlie third Sunday in each\nmonth when the. service' will be\nheld at 11 o'clock a.m. bv tho\n, -. i v\nvicar, tho Rev. 11. IScec-haui.\nHoly Communion will be administered al the 'close, of ,the\nservice. ' i\n, Sirangers an- welcome.\n1'KIOSIJVTIGKIAN CHUUCU.\n. Christian service will be conducted ,in the, Presbyterian\nChurch by the Pastor Rev. D.\nMcK. Reid, B 'A. every Sabbath\nevening at 7:30. Sunday School\nat 2 p.m. '\nAll are welcome to our services\nYovi Mivy Need\n\"Pain-KiUe?\nFor y\nCuts\nBviITVS\nHi ulscs\nOJiviiliccv\nAll Bo wo I\nComplaint j ,\nll Iri il nine, kiiIu it'ntI i|uli k ruineily.\nTlien-'e i-nly (\"lie l>AIN-KIlvI.F:i\"<.\nI'nciti li.nn'.\n'I \u00C2\u00BBn .'l/i'i, 'J.V, mid Mli\".\nSnakes, centipedes nnd oth?r poison-\nou*j things may assail you in your walks\nihi'oujrh, field''.and forest 'Be sure to\nhave a bottle of Perry Davis', Painkiller'in the house and you run no rink.\nDirections on the wrapper.\nDad Sprague was.in town on\nThursday. , , <\nGeorge Judd and Tra Fierce\nreturned from Tsadore Canyon\non Thursday.\nAll kinds of hair work\na specialty.\nA.J GREZ,\nProprietor\nL. COHN\nTAILOR\nAND IMPORTER OF\nFINE WOOLLENS\nRocky Mountain Avenue\nFort Steele, B. G.\nFort Steele\nDiamond Jubilee\nM,ss roLsoN. , Hospital\n\u00E2\u0080\u009E MATPO!..\nGrndu.iicot St. L\i!;e> Hnsmnl.\nVnncouMir. H C.\nThis Institution ha? been recently\nenlarged by a new winjr which ii now\nopen for reception of patients. For\nterms apply to\nMiss Folsom. or J. V. smith. Sec.\nMatron. Kurt Sicel'-, B.C\nT. 6. flrmsiroiiQ\nFottT STEEr.K. B, C. _\n. -MANIIEA'CTURER- 0F7\nTinware,' Galvanized. Iron, Sheet\nIron, Stove Pipes ;end\nCopperware\nBUILDINGS HEATED ami VENTILATED\n..'Plumbing, .Pipe titling and all\nkinds of sanitary work'\nflir fiflht\u00E2\u0080\u0094Hot Blast Stoves'\nHydraulic and Air Pipes for\nMines\n' SPECJfAL.' ATTENTION PAID TO\nJOB WORK.\nT. T. \"McVittiie. P.L.S.. is now-\nengaged in surveying a townsite\nnear Fernie.\nFreight trains were moving\non the Crow's Nest line on\nThursday.\nN. A. \"Wallinger came up from\nFish Lakes ou Thursday.\nElko is holding its first cele\nbratiou today.\nJack Heenan visited the Good\nHope mine on Thursday.\nJ. F. Armstrong and Captain\nArmstrong visited Cranbrook ou\nThursday.\nPeter Woods came down from\nthe Cherry creek ranch on\nThursday.\n.7. Fuller. Halcyon Spring,\nwa.s a visitor at Steele on Thursday.\nDon McKay went to Elk river\non Thursday.\nGrant Boulanger, Marysville,\nwas in town Thursday.\nCharles Armstrong, Cranbrcok\nwas at the Imperial on Thursday\nToday.' ''Victoria Day\" is being celebrated ai Cranbrook and\nElko.\nNews Notes.\nThe spring has opened with\nmuch activity in the vast' mineral region -which extends from\nMichigan across the continent to\nBritish Columbia. . Important\ndevelopments in copper,- silver\nand gold mining are indicated.\n, The English, and American\n'company that will build a, railway in Alaska from .Valdes to\nEagle City is capitalized .at\n$15,000,000. The railway will be\n400 miles long and will boaii all-\nAmerican route to tho Klondike,\nextending from the harbor of\nValdes, through ihe Copper\nRiver country and other promising'mining regions, to Eagle\nCity.\nBoston advices are to the .effect\nthat the Calumet and Hecla company has made heavy sales of\ncopper recently at V2\ cents.\nThis is taken to mean that the\nconsumption of copper throughout the country is large and that\nthe demand is good, which will\nmean that the price must soon\nadvance.\nAmerican capital and skill are\ndoing much for the mineral development of British Columbia,\nwhich contains mineral deposits\nof great richness and vast extent\nThe Luke-Creek ,Gold-Copper\nMining Company, which owns\nproperty in the East Kootenay\nis managed by officers from\nMinneapolis, Fergus Falls,\nMinn., and Britton, S. D. The\npresident, S. D. Pumpelly, is\nfrom Minneapolis.\nREGULAR\nWeekly Stage\nIII'VIAVKKN\nFort Steele\nWindermere and\nPeterborough\n' -- *miK TAHLE. \u00E2\u0080\u0094\n'May 1st, l!\u00C2\u00BB02.\n' Lea vi' Koi'1 Steele every , Saturday\ninoi'iiin^ at il a.m. Arrive at I'eter-\nhtn'oiif'li Sunday eveniny. \u00E2\u0096\u00A0 a\nLeave I'oteiOi'orou^li every Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. Arrive at Fori\nSteele Thursday evening. ,, -\nFor Pa^eng-er and Express rates\napply to ' .>\n' Geary & Doyle\nPort Steele and Peterborough. '\nHEAD OFFICE \u00E2\u0080\u0094 TORONTO.\nI'aid up ('iipilal -t>S,000.0(iO: Kccrvc Fund $2.(Kl(i.nfl(l:\nA\u00C2\u00BB\u00C2\u00BBi\"<;<*al<\" Kcourc-'S Over \u00E2\u0080\u00A2Mi.ri1()'l(','l(,l).\nI diuIdii OII'icc; ltd I nml'iiiil *-*ticct, I . \u00E2\u0080\u00A2'.\nNl\"\u00C2\u00AB \<>ik nl'I'lee\" 10 I.vcIiiiiiku I'lucc.\nAnd (18 braiiclu'-j in C'auuda, (lit.- United States and liritish C'oluuibiu.\n% Cranbrook Branch.\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\nlit,\n*\n*\nHUBERT HAINES, Manager. $\nBritish GoiumDia ? ouero go. .ltd.\no> \u00E2\u0080\u0094-~VICTORIA, B. O.\nMANUFACTURERS OF\n\u00E2\u0096\u00A0\u00C2\u00BB VITRIFIED #\n, .SALT GLAZED SEWER PIPES.\n\u00E2\u0096\u00A0 '. ' ALL KINDS OF \" , \u00E2\u0096\u00A0\nSanitary r-'ittinp-s.' Agr'ioultunil Drain Tile, Flower Pots,\nTerra Gotta, Chimney Pipe and Flue Lining,\" Chimney Tops,\nFire Brick, Fire Clay. All Kinds of Fire Clay. Goods,\nAfisayers' Furnaces, etc. made to order.\nOriianiciihil Garden Border files, Vases, Etc;\nCement, Plaster of Paris, Lime, and All Kinds of Ornamental\n' \u00C2\u00B0 Plaster Work \u00C2\u00AB?\nMINERAL'ACT.\n', (FbiiM I'\)\nOKI1TIK1CATK OF IMI'HOVEMKNTS\nNOTICE.\n, .Morning Star Mineral (Maim.\nSituate in the Fori Steele At'lnins Dlviiion of\nMusi ICootuiiiiy.\nWhere locnied:\u00E2\u0080\u0094On White Gi-ou.se Moiiiiluiii\njoinun,'tlie Hiii'i'isClroup. >\u00E2\u0080\u00A2\nTake notice that I. Georito Matthews, for myself, and'actiiiK as Agent for Abel Rwuiiiou.\nVree Miner's C'ertiliuate No. \u00E2\u0096\u00A0 H. ulHXJV, Free\nMiner's'Ccnllleate No. ii. 5U:H1, intend sixty\ndays iroin the.(Into hereof, to apply to the Min-\nin "Print Run: 1895-1905

Frequency: Weekly"@en . "Newspapers"@en . "Fort Steele (B.C.)"@en . "The_Prospector_1902-05-24"@en . "10.14288/1.0187137"@en . "English"@en . "49.629167"@en . "-115.63333"@en . "Vancouver : University of British Columbia Library"@en . "Fort Steele, B.C. : A. B. Grace"@en . "Images provided for research and reference use only. Permission to publish, copy or otherwise use these images must be obtained from the Digitization Centre: http://digitize.library.ubc.ca/"@en . "Original Format: Royal British Columbia Museum. British Columbia Archives."@en . "The Prospector"@en . "Text"@en .