UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Tales from the other drug wars : papers from the 12th Annual Health Policy Conference, held in Vancouver, B.C., Nov. 26, 1999 Barer, M. L.; McGrail, Kimberlyn M.; Cardiff, K. (Karen), 1953-; Wood, Laura Christine, 1955-; Green, C. J. (Carolyn Joanne), 1956-


"Tales from the Other Drug Wars examined the role of research evidence in the newly emerging world of industry-health policy. The conference critically examined the notion that industry policy, which facilitates the free market use of research evidence, is becoming a much stronger determinant of health and health care than any health policy designed to balance that influence, taking other factors into account. The health sector faces unprecedented challenges deciding on what is appropriate in health care as more and more research is funded and designed to meet private industry needs." -CHSPR website

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