UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Proceedings of the Second Trilateral Physician Workforce Conference, November 14-16, 1997, Vancouver, B.C. Barer, M. L.; Wood, Laura


Canada hosted the Second Trilateral Physician Workforce Conference in Vancouver in November 1997. The themes for the conference included issues related to 'overservicing', 'primary care reform' and 'substitution'. The themes were considered to reflect the common priority issues and concerns confronting the three countries in the area of physician workforce planning. Physician workforce planning had again become a major issue, as some countries had begun to forecast physician shortages in the next few decades. Canada is at the centre of this debate, as its physician supply-per-capita figures have begun to decline recently after over 40 continuous years of (at times rapid) increase. Physician workforce planning and management requires the co-ordinated involvement of a number of stakeholders, and the participants were chosen to represent those organizations and interests that have to be part of the discussion to ensure continued dialogue and concerted action in Canada.

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