UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Plato’s Parmenides, part two : a suggestion / Schmidt, Louise Mireille (Poudrier)


Contemporary interpretations of the second part of Plato's Parmenides have excluded consideration of a pro-Eleatic intent, on Plato's part, on the grounds that Eleaticism advocates a monism inconsistent with the pluralism implicit in this part of the dialogue. Some recent interpreters of Eleaticism have suggested interpretations of the Parmenidean doctrine that are accommodating of pluralism, in varying degrees. If such interpretations are viable, then the way is cleared for a Pro- Eleatic Interpretation of the second part of Plato's Parmenides. There is historical evidence for the existence of a Pro-Eleatic Interpretation of Part Two in the early part of the present millennium. A review of the text of the Parmenides reveals that it is consistent with, and in places suggests, the adoption of a pro- Eleatic frame of reference for the interpretation of the second part. From these and further considerations, I will conclude that sufficient evidence exists to warrant a full examination of the viability of a pro-Eleatic intent in the second part of the Parmenides, in the light of an alternate understanding of the "Way of Truth" of Parmenides of Elea.

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