UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Outlaws of Laar Brown, Maryn C.


One year has passed since Seth Locke’s grandfather Sedgewick disappeared, but the discovery of Sedgewick’s research on inter-world travel prompts Seth to launch an investigation-and that investigation transports Seth straight into the otherworld of Laar . Scared and alone, Seth’s only ambitions are to find Sedgewick and get home. Yet when Seth meets Nya Lunya, an escaped welvish slave girl and student of healing magicks, he realizes that Laar has problems of its own. The forests of Laar are dying, and a tyrant who calls himself the Great One rules selfishly over all. With the help of the ghost-like wolf guide Erebis, Seth and Nya embark on a treacherous journey to find Sedgewick and save Laar, and learn along the way that outlaws aren’t always the bad guys.

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