UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Development and implementation of the Quality Evaluation Metric application to promote continuous process improvement at Phillips, Hager and North Leung, Derek


This thesis describes the development and implementation of the Quality Evaluation Metric application (QEM) in the Client Services (CS) Department at Phillips, Hager and North Investment Management, Ltd. The objective of this project is to assist the CS department in improving client satisfaction by reducing the number of errors committed during processing mutual fund transactions. Initially, the only sources of data available regarding how and why errors occur were in paper format, inconsistent and qualitative in nature. The QEM application was developed and implemented to collect data on errors electronically through a web interface. Eleven months of historical data was entered into the QEM application and the results from the data analysis provided valuable insights into the performance of the business processes in the department. Additionally, with the results obtained from the data analysis, periodic quality reports were developed and implemented within the company to promote continuous quality improvement and to evaluate the success of any quality initiative undertaken by the department in the future. The QEM application serves as a channel to periodically monitor the quality of service, to provide valuable insights into the performance of the business processes and to evaluate future quality improvements. All three results are essential in promoting and sustaining continuous improvements.

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