UBC Publications

UBC Publications
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Indian Education Newsletter

The Indian Education Newsletter was published by the Indian Education Resources Center (IERC), which was established in 1970 with a mandate to improve the educational opportunities for Aboriginal students in British Columbia. Formed through the collaborative efforts of the Indian Teachers of B.C. (later the British Columbia Native Indian Teachers' Association BCNITA), the UBC Faculty of Education and the Extension Department with funding from the Department of Indian Affairs, the Center was located in a hut near the Education building and later moved to Brock Hall.

A Center Council of 15 elected Aboriginal educators guided the IERC's goals to: acquire and distribute current and accurate Aboriginal resources; sponsor courses and programs relevant to teachers of Indian students; facilitate communication between Aboriginal education groups; and promote the involvement of Aboriginal people in education decision-making.

The first issue of the Indian Education Newsletter was produced in October 1970 and it continued publication until February 1977 with a gap between 1975-1976 due to funding issues. The Newsletter included lists of resource materials distributed by the Center, conference reports, regional reports, grant information, activities of BCNITA, recommended (and not recommended) children's literature, curriculum ideas, guidance counselor and home school coordinators' reports, an initial history of the UBC Native Indian Teacher Education Program (NITEP) and other news relevant to Aboriginal education.

NOTE: The term "Indian" is now outdated and is considered by many Indigenous Peoples to be offensive. However, it is retained here as part of the title of an important historical publication.

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