Japanese Maps of the Tokugawa Era

Morokoshi kinmō zui. Kan no 7 Hirazumi, Sen'an, active 18th century


Contents: v. 1 Astronomy. -- 4 l.; v. 2 Geography. -- 20 l.; v. 3 Architecture. -- 12 l.; v. 4-5 People. -- 18, 16 l.; v. 6 Martial arts. - 19 l.; v. 7 Instruments (tools, weapons, etc.). -- 16 l.; v. 8 Machines (transportation, arms). -- 14 l.; v. 9 Instruments (agriculture, arms, etc.). -- 14 l.; v. 10 Ceremonial costumes, precious stones. -- 13 l.; v. 11-12 Botany, horticulture. -- 13, 14 l.; v. 13 Birds, wild animals. -- 17 l.; v. 14 Fish, reptiles, insects. -- 9 l. Five maps and many Chinese landscapes are in v. 2 of this illustrated Chinese encyclopedia. Many of the maps and landscapes are of mythical places famous in Chinese history and literature, such as 蓬莱山 Hōraizan (Beans 1802.17). There are 3 leaves of publisher’s advertisements at the end of v. 14. Maps in v. 2: (Beans 1802.12) 地球圖 Chikyū zu (Picture of the globe); (Beans 1802.13) 山川與地全圖 Sansen yochi zenzu (Map of mountains and rivers of the earth); (Beans 1802.14) 中華十五省并華夷一統圖 Chūka jūgosei narabini Kai ittō no zu (Map of China and the surrounding barbarian countries); (Beans 1802.15) 朝鮮國圖 Chōsenkoku no zu (Map of Korea); (Beans 1802.16) 琉球國圖 Ryūkyūkoku no zu (Map of Ryukyu); (Beans 1802.17) 蓬莱山 Hōraizan. Cited in: WSN; 122

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