Japanese Maps of the Tokugawa Era

Kawachi saikenzu Narui, Hyōemon


Cover attached, with the same title as map proper. Shows roads, towns. See 栗田元次 Kurita Motoji, 江戸時代刊行の国郡図 Edo jidai kankō no kokugunzu in 歴史地理 Rekishi chiri v. 84, no. 2; Nordenskiold, no. 368. Revised edition of the 増補改正河内細見図 Zōho kaisei Kawachi saikenzu by 鳴井兵右衛門 Narui Hyōemon; drawn by 高木正恒 Takagi Masatsune; published by 河内屋喜兵衛 Kawachiya Kihē and Hondaya Iemon, ca. 1750.

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