PRISM international

Prism international Prism international


The following description is provided by the publisher: CONTENTS
grouse grind lit prize for v. short forms winners
Colleen Baran 10 He Says I've Been Rereading Bladerunner and the News and The Chrysalids and Twitter and The War of the Worlds—
Mike Sholars 11 Hiking is Just Walking Outside
Emily Riddle 12 Louise
Tanvi Bhatia & Emily Chou 8 Letter from the Editors
Kelsey Hontz 14 She was Fruit, but like, The Least Sexy One
Matthew Hollett 15 Ode on a Rotten Potato
Rochelle Hurt 16 Ode to the C Word
Theressa Slind 17 Naissance
Lauren Turner 27 Blood Orange
Mara Adamitz Scrupe 30 Seba's Locupletissimi Rerum Naturalium Thesauri/the accurate description of the very rich thesaurus of the principal & rarest natural objects
Christopher Linforth 32 All The Land Before Us
Ceilidh Barlow Cash 42 SAD LADY SONATA
Millie Ho 44 Scar Literature
Elizabeth Ball 48 Missy Whynaught + Feet Guy
Claire Matthews 56 Surrey Girl
Alan Hill 57 Watching Porn Backwards
Jhani Randhawa 58 Carving it out, sister (peace-sign emoji)
Em Meller 62 Whale Facts that Cured My Performative Depression
Daniel Sarah Karasik 70 Tight Pants
Jennifer LoveGrove 72 Problematic Fave Confessional
Joseph Horton 75 A Little Town
Contributors 94

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