Japanese Canadian Photograph Collection

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As with the larger Japanese Canadian Research Collection of which it forms a part, the Japanese Canadian Photograph Collection (JCPC) was assembled by UBC Library's Rare Books and Special Collections from various donors beginning in the 1970s. While the JCPC documents a wide range of the experiences of Canadians of Japanese descent in British Columbia, the resource is particularly strong in chronicling their treatment during World War II.

Following the declaration of war on Japan, Japanese nationals and Canadian citizens of Japanese descent were forcibly removed from what was considered to be strategic, restricted coastal areas of British Columbia in 1942. Evacuees were first dispatched to temporary facilities at Vancouver's Hastings Park and then from there relocated to areas in the B.C. interior and beyond. Families were often separated with many men being sent to road camps. Numerous road camps were constructed to support three principle road construction projects including the Yellowhead-Blue River Highway, Hope-Princeton Highway and Revelstoke-Sicamous Highway. Women, children and the elderly were generally dispatched to internment camps in purpose-built or revived towns in the B.C. interior. Major camps included, Tashme, Lemon Creek, Greenwood, Sandon, New Denver, Slocan, Roseberry, Kaslo, and Bay Farm.

Special thanks to Tomoko Kahehi, Asian Library for her assistance with translation.

As a number of these photographs came with little or no identification we would welcome receiving corrections or additional information. Please contact us at spcoll@interchange.ubc.ca.

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