Interim Forest Cover Series Maps

Index to the interim forest cover series and the forest inventory area reference system; Canada sheet 94 C/NE, C/SE British Columbia. Forest Inventory Division


"These summaries of area and volumes are based on the initial forest inventory of British Columbia. Area figures were obtained by the classification of areas on aerial photographs in the field, plotting of this information to base maps at a Scale of 1/2 mile to 1 inch, and planimetering the resulting forest cover maps. Volumes were obtained from samples established in Forest Inventory Zone(s) 4 & 9[.] The enclosed forest cover index map is a composite reduction of sixteen 1/2 mile to 1 inch forest cover maps on which forest strata have been collected into very broad classes. The entire series comprising of 149 index maps and summaries, covering the Province, are being distributed in 1958. File all summaries, as received, to obtain complete set." -- Map envelope

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