UBC Institute of Fisheries Field Records

UBC Institute of Fisheries Field Record B.C. 61-121a


1. Paralongchurus [handwritten note] Paraloncurus goodi Gilbert - northern range extension check with the southern speimens [sic] (2); 2. Nebris occidentalis Vaillant - 2 more of these for comparison with southern specimens; 3. Pomadasys panamensis (Steindachner); 4. Lutianus jordanus (Gilbert) ? compare with Coros Is. and material in collection; 5. Diapterus peruvianus (Valencinner); *[see final specimen on B.C. 61-121b] Aug. '75 [strikethrough] 6. Eucinostomus californiensis (Gill) (2); 7. Diplectrum sp. (2) - cannot keep out strange bright coloured (labrid-like) specimens. check! Similar to pacificum but not quite it.; 8. Citharichthys sp. (3) as on previous page; 9. Trachurus symmetricus Gill??; 10. Centropomus sp. (2); 11. 2 bonnethead sharks; note: pictures of all above on last part of first roll of film.; C40 Diplectrum pacificum (1); C49 Rabirubia inermis (Peter) (1); C52 Larimus argetius (Gill) (1); C52 Paralonchurus goodei Gilbert (2)

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