UBC Institute of Fisheries Field Records

UBC Institute of Fisheries Field Record B.C. 60-673


C14 Coregonus clupeaformis (24); plus 1 Prosopium cylindraceum; not found 10/8/72 TK; present 30/12/74 RAB[?]; Note added May 2005 CCL : All young, about same size, perhaps GR number still unfinished?; R.A. Bodaly made those counts on 1st Arch[?], total[?] GRs; [two rows of numbers. First in each pair is "No. of GR," 2nd in each pair is "No of Fish":] 19, 1; 20, 2; 21, 4; 22, -; 23, 2; 24, -; 25, -; 26, -; 27, -; 28, 2; 29, 7; 30, 1; 31, -; 32, 1.

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