UBC Institute of Fisheries Field Records

UBC Institute of Fisheries Field Record B.C. 60-25a


C46 Caranx vinctus Jordan & Gilbert (1); C46 Chloroscombrus orqueta Jordan & Gilbert (2); C46 Peprilus palometa (Jordan & Bollman) (2); C46 Vomer declivifrons Meek & Hildebrand (2); C46 Hemicaranx atrimanus (Jordan & Gilbert)(1); C46 Trachinotus rhodopus Gill (1); C46 Trachurops crumenophthalmus (Bloch) (2); C10 Pliosteostoma lutipinnis (Jordan & Gilbert); C13 Chanos chanos (Forskal) (2); C52 Micropogon altipinnis Gunther (2); C40 Epinephelus labriformis (Jenyns) (1); C44 Mugil curema (Valenciennes) (4); C52 Menticirrhus panamensis (Steindachner) (1); C40 Centropomus nigrescens Gunther (2); C40 Centropomus robalito Jordan & Gilbert (1); C44 Polynemus approximans Lay & Bennett (2); C44 Sphyranea ensis Jordan & Gilbert (1); C52 Cynoscion reticulatus (Gunther) (2); C52 Paralonchurus goodei Gilbert (1); C46 Caranx hippos (Linnaeus) (2); C10 Opisthonema libertate (Gunther) (2); C52 Cynoscion phoxocephalus Jordan & Gilbert (1); C87 Balistes polylepis Steindachner (1); C50 Haemulo

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Images provided for research and reference use only. Permission to publish, copy, or otherwise use these images must be obtained from Dr. Eric (Rick) Taylor <etaylor@zoology.ubc.ca>