UBC Institute of Fisheries Field Records

UBC Institute of Fisheries Field Record B.C. 57-103


[strikethrough] C11 Anchoviella sp. [note:] wrong locality, should be BC 57-105 (2); [strikethrough] Fodiator acutus (Valenciennes) [note:] should be BC 57-105 (2); [strikethrough] C58 Chaetodon humeralis Gunther [note:] NMC, should be BC 57-105 (1); C55 Pomacentrus rectifraenum (Gill) [note:] correct, NMC (10); C40 Rypticus saponaceus bicolor Valenciennes [note:] correct, NMC (1); C44 Polynemus approximans Lay & Bennett [note:] NMC (1); C44 Polynemus [strikethrough] [illegible entry] opercularis (Gill) [note:] NMC (1); [strikethrough] Trachurops crumenophthalmus (Bloch) [note:] NMC, should be 57-105 (1); C40 Epinephelus labriformis (Jeyns) [note:] correct, NMC (7); C36 Holocentrus suborbitalis Gill [note:] correct, NMC (2); C50 Orthostoechus maculicauda Gill [note:] NMC (13); C50 Haemulon steindachneri (Jordan & Gilbert) (1); [strikethrough] C68 Fistularia petimba Lacepède [note:] should be 57-105 (2); C28 Hyporhamphus unifasciatus (Ranzani) [note:] [should be 57-105] NMC (1); C49 Rabirubia inermis (Peters) [note:] correct locality, NMC (2); C30 Synodus lacertinus Gilbert (2); C50 Brachydeuterus leuciscus (Gunther) [note:] NMC (2); C44 Mugil curema (Valenciennes) [note:] NMC (series); C57 Halichores dispilus (Gunther) [note:] NMC (2); C31 Muraena lentiginosa Jeyns [note:] NMC (1); [handwritten note] C69 Dormitator? latifrons? (Richardson) (1); C10 Clupeidae larvae (1) [note:] NMC

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Images provided for research and reference use only. Permission to publish, copy, or otherwise use these images must be obtained from Dr. Eric (Rick) Taylor <etaylor@zoology.ubc.ca>