UBC Institute of Fisheries Field Records

UBC Institute of Fisheries Field Record B.C. 57-79a


C38 Citharichthys gilberti (2); [strikethrough] [with note: "See page 2":] C45 Euchinostomus elongatus (ser); C46 Trachinotus rhodopus [note:] NMC (1); C68 Fistularia petimba (7); C50 Brachydeuterus leuciscus [note:] NMC (11); C49 Rabirubia inermis [note:] NMC (1); C44 Mugil curema [note:] NMC (2); C43 Pseudupeneus xanthogrammus (?) [note:] NMC (4); C49 Lutianus guttatus [note:] NMC (2); C30 Synodus lacertinus (2); C40 Apogon parri [note:] NMC (1); C50 Orthostoechus maculicauda (3); Most of the beaches in Acapulco Harbor are not suitable for seining because they drop-off [sic] too suddenly. Our difficulties were increased by the fineness of the net we were using which filled with sand as the water surged in and out. We finally found this very small beach where the collection was made. When caught, fish in Acapulco Harbor die almost immediately. This may be caused by the very high temperatures and the low O2 content of the water. Probably they have few reserves and cannot tolerate even a brief interruption in O2 supply.

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Images provided for research and reference use only. Permission to publish, copy, or otherwise use these images must be obtained from Dr. Eric (Rick) Taylor <etaylor@zoology.ubc.ca>