UBC Institute of Fisheries Field Records

UBC Institute of Fisheries Field Record B.C. 56-329a


C36 Plectrypops sp. (1)[strikethrough] [handwritten note] Error - P.J.E. 1961; C36 Holocentrus suborbitalis Gill [handwritten note] NMC (2); C40 Rypticus saponaceus bicolor (Valenciennes) [handwritten note] NMC (1); [illegible struck-through entry] (series); C40 Priacanthus cruentatus (Lacepède) [handwritten note] NMC (4); C40 Apogon atrodorsatus Heller & Snodgrass [handwritten note] NMC (11); C40 Apogon dovii Gunther (1); C57 Pseudojulis notospilus Gunther [handwritten note] NMC (1); C50 Anisotremus interruptus (Gill) [handwritten note] NMC (1); C52 Odontoscion eurymesops (Heller & Snodgrass) (6); C36 Holotrachys lima (Cuvier and Valenciennes) (1); C57 Scarops rubroviolaceus (1); C76 Ophioblennius steindacherni (1); C36 Myripristic occidentalis [handwritten note] NMC (ser); C81 Petrotyx hopkinsi (6); C57 Pseudojulis notospilus [handwritten note] NMC (2); C55 Pomacentrus arcifrons [handwritten note] NMC (Series); C87 Ostracion meleagris [handwritten note] NMC (1); C87 Melichthys radula [handwritten note] NMC (Series); C87 Cantigaster punctatissimus [handwritten note] NMC (2); C87 Arothron setosus [handwritten note] NMC (3); C86 Acanthurus glaucopareius [handwritten note] NMC (1); [handwritten note] C4 Eulamia sp. Tank 1 (1); C55 Pomacentrus sp.? (series); C55 Pseudoscarus sp? (1); C36 Myrapristis sp? 1 bottle; C36 Myripristis murdjman [handwritten note] NMC (1)

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Images provided for research and reference use only. Permission to publish, copy, or otherwise use these images must be obtained from Dr. Eric (Rick) Taylor <etaylor@zoology.ubc.ca>