UBC Institute of Fisheries Field Records

UBC Institute of Fisheries Field Record B.C. 54-427


C14 Oncoryhnchus nerka (Walbaum) (1); C21 Catostomus macrocheilus Girard (1); C22 Rhinichthys oculus (Girard) [strikethrough] falcatus (1); C64 Cottus asper Richardson (2); *Lead of trap set at night angles to shore, with pot in stream cautre. First could have been directed into pot of travelling either upstream or downstream, and up to 100 feet from shore. Dace was gilled in pot of trap.

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Images provided for research and reference use only. Permission to publish, copy, or otherwise use these images must be obtained from Dr. Eric (Rick) Taylor <etaylor@zoology.ubc.ca>