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The Chung Collection

Canadian Pacific Railway timetables Canadian Pacific Railway Company


Pamphlet-form timetables for passenger trains produced by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for the following dates: 30 Oct. 1960 - 29 Apr. 1961 (two copies), 29 Apr. 1961 - 28 Oct. 1961, 26 Apr. 1964 - 24 Oct. 1964, 25 Apr. 1965 - 30 Oct. 1965, 31 Oct. 1965 to 23 Apr. 1966, 30 Apr. 1967 to 28 Oct. 1967, and 28 Apr. 1968 to 26 Oct. 1968. File also includes two copies of the faresaver plan effective up to 14 Apr. 1964, and from 15 Apr. 1964 to 30 Sept. 1964, a condensed time table for western Canada effective 26 Apr. 1964 - 26 Oct. 1964, and a condensed timetable for Ontario for 30 Apr. 1967.

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