The Chung Collection

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The Chung Collection

[Chinese Public School picnic in Stanley Park] Wand, Cecil B.


With accompanying key. Persons as identified by Yip, Gibb - Back row standing: (#8) Yip Kew Pack ; (teacher) Jung Shek Chone ; (#17) Yip Kew Dock ; (teacher) Ng Sin Yee ; Chang Suey (aka Charlie Suey) ; (teacher) Leong Chap Kwong ; Buster [Chong] ; Carl Chong ; (#5) Yip Kew Him ; (#7) Yip Kew Hong. Four row standing (1) Cousin [Gady] ; (2) Cousin Horne ; (3) Stanley Moy ; (5) George Chin ; (6) Lew Back Leong ; (7) Uncle Ming #14 ; (8) Yip Kew Shuon #4 ; (9) Yip Kew Quene #16 ; (10) Yip Kew Dang #10 ; (13) Yip Kew Mow #3. 3rd row standing: Yip Kew Gin #6 ; Lan Tan Yip Grandma #5 ; Auntie #8 ; Auntie #6 ; (7) Auntie #10 ; (8) Auntie #4 ; (9) Leong Yee Chong auntie #3 ; Yip [Ding?] Fern (above) ; Cherrie Chin ; James Yip ; Yip Kew [Matish?] #19 ; Yip Wing Ken.

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