Chinese Canadian Stories

[Group Photograph of 1956 Grey Cup Winners] [unknown]


Photograph of members of the Edmonton Eskimos: Johnny Bright, the President of the Eskimo Club, Moe Lieberman, Normie “The China Clipper” Kwong, and Jackie “Spaghetti Legs” Parker. They are holding the 1956 Grey Cup having won the Annual Grey Cup football tournament for the third consecutive year.; 照片顯示 《The China Clipper》 林佐民(右二), 埃德蒙頓愛斯基摩人橄欖球隊俱樂部總管 Moe Lieberman、「Spaghetti Legs」 Jackie Parker 和 Johnny Bright 一同拿起1956年格雷杯。這是他們連續第三年獲得這個獎杯。照片同時顯示支持者在後面吶喊。照片上附有 Jackie Parker 和林佐民的簽名。

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