Chinese Canadian Stories

[Photograph of Norman L. Kwong and Peter Bentley] [unknown]


Colour photograph of Peter Bentley and Norman L. Kwong at an event at the BC Sports Hall of Fame. Bentley was the CEO of Canadian Forest Products, a University of British Columbia alumnus, and a member of the BC Sports Hall of Fame (W.A.C. Bennett Award winner).; 照片攝於1970末至1980初。林佐民(右)與 Peter Bentley (左)在卑詩省體育名人堂的合照。Bentley 是前加拿大森林產品企業的執行總裁、不列顛哥倫比亞大學校友以及不列顛哥倫比亞省體育名人堂 W.A.C. Bennett 獎章獲得者。

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