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Chinese Canadian Stories

蔣總統夫婦在臺北郊外士林官邸歡宴美加兩國僑選國大代表及檀香山上議員李桂賢夫婦時合影於家廳 [Group photograph of Chiang Kai-shek and Soong Mei-ling with overseas National Assembly representatives from Canada and the United States] Hu, Chongxian


This photograph was taken at the Taipei Shilin Official Residence when President Chiang Kai-shek and his wife Soong Mei-ling met with Lock Tin Lee, Li Guixian and his wife, and other national assembly delegates from the United States and Canada elected by overseas Chinese. Li Guixian was a senator from Hawaii. Lock Tin Lee is second from the right. The back of the photograph includes the photographer's Chinese name and the address of his studio. 此照片為蔣介石和宋美齡夫婦在臺北郊外士林官邸歡宴美加兩國僑選國大代表及檀香山上議員李桂賢夫婦時於客聽的合影。 右二為李樂天。照片的背面有攝影師的中文姓名和攝影社的地址。; 此照片為蔣介石和宋美齡夫婦在臺北郊外士林官邸歡宴美加兩國僑選國大代表及檀香山上議員李桂賢夫婦時於客聽的合影。 右二為李樂天。第二頁有攝影師的中文姓名和攝影社的地址。

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