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Chinese Canadian Stories

民國四十一年十月五日搭西北機返臺北出席七全大会與張子田黃生元兩代表及歡送親友合影於溫哥華國際機場 [Group photo at the Vancouver International Airport prior to departing for Taipei to attend the seventh National Congress of the Kuomintang] Quan, Joe


Photograph taken before Lock Tin Lee, Zhang Zitian and Huang Shengyuan departed for Taiwan to attend the seventh National Congress of the Kuomintang. Lock Tin Lee is seventh on right and Ron Bick Lee is eighth on right in the front row. 李樂天、張子田和黃生元出發返臺北出席國民黨七全大会之先在機場的合照。前排右七為李樂天, 右八為李日如。; 李樂天、張子田和黃生元出發返臺北出席國民黨七全大会之先在機場的合照。前排右七為李樂天, 右八為李日如。

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