Chinese Canadian Stories

[蔣介石的照片= Portrait of Chiang Kai-shek] (3 of 3) Li Zhi Studio


Portrait is in a paper frame. The inscription on the left says that this is a photograph of Chiang Kai-shek in March of the 43rd year of the Republic of China (1954). The inscription to the right of the photograph says this photograph is a gift to Lock Tin Lee from Chiang Kai-shek. The photograph includes Chiang Kai-shek's name stamp. The watermark of the studio is on the lower right corner. 蔣介石送給李樂天的個人照片。照片貼在紙制相框上。相框右部寫有「樂天代表」, 左部寫有「蔣中正四十三年三月」(1954), 並蓋有「蔣中正印」的印章。照片右下角有照相館水印「攝影勵志社」。 ; 蔣介石送給李樂天的個人照片。照片貼在紙制相框上。相框右部寫有「樂天代表」, 左部寫有「蔣中正四十三年三月」(1954), 並蓋有「蔣中正印」的印章。照片右下角有照相館水印「攝影勵志社」。 

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