Chinese Canadian Stories

[Interview with Robert H. Lee] Yoshizawa, Alejandro


An evening interview with Robert H. Lee. Lee grew up in Vancouver and talks about the influence of his father on his real estate career as well as his influence on giving back. Robert H. Lee's father worked two jobs and the family was only able to see him two hours a week for 12 years. Robert H. Lee also talks about his experience in the real estate business and his family life.; 在晚間與 Robert H. Lee 做的訪問。Robert H. Lee 在加拿大長大。他講述他父親對他的房地產事業的影響, 並且他回饋給社會的一切。爲了生計 Robert H. Lee 的父親要同時做兩份工作; 因此, Lee 家的其他成員每週只有兩小時能見到他。Robert H. Lee 亦論及他對於房地產的經驗和他的家庭生活。

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