Chinese Canadian Stories

[Maps of Michong Village] [unknown]


A map of Mi Chong. Included on the map is the location of villages, elementary and secondary schools, and production teams. This page is the first page of an address book of the Lees in Canada who are originally from Michong. The address book lists the Lees' Chinese and English names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Bick Lee's name appears in the first line and is listed under Dong Xin village.; 此為密冲鄉村落略圖、畫有各村落、中小學及生產大隊的位置。此頁為加拿大密冲同鄉會通訊的首頁。通訊錄中有加拿大李氏密冲同鄉的中英文姓名、住址及電話。李日如來自洞心村,列於通訊錄首頁。

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