RBSC Bookplates

[Bookplate for James Lee]


Brown and red ink on cream paper. A thick brown border surrounds the bookplate. Inside is a thin red border. Underneath the top of the red border are two leaves printed on the left and right side of block, capitalized, serif text. At the base of the red border, text is printed in the same block letters in a slightly larger size. There is a second thin red border within the first one, inside of the block text. Inside this border is the image of a man sitting indoors reading a book. The man has long hair tied with a bow in the back and is wearing a long dark coat and large pants cropped at the knee. He also has simple shoes with bows on his feet. He is sitting in a large wooden chair and smoking a pipe. Behind him to the right is a window with diamond patterns. To the left of the window is a small frame with little detail. The man and his chair are in profile. In front of them, half a round table is visible. A small vase and a thin glass are atop the table. At the man’s feet, a small black cat lies curled atop a closed book.

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Images provided for research and reference use only. Permission to publish, copy, or otherwise use these images must be obtained from Rare Books and Special Collections: http://rbsc.library.ubc.ca