BC Historical Newspapers

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British Columbia Record

The British Columbia Record was published in Vancouver, and ran from June 1916 to July 1922. The Record was published every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. As the official publication for the Architectural Institute of B.C., the B.C. Builders’ Exchange, and the Building and Construction Industries’ Exchange of B.C., the Record primarily covered news related to building, contracting, engineering, real estate, and industrial finance. The Record was published by the Record Publishing Company, which had previously published the paper under a number of different titles, including the Daily Building Record and the British Columbia Building Record. The Record subsequently evolved into the Journal of Commerce.

Newspaper Metadata

Publisher Vancouver : Record Publishing Company
Language English
Rights Images provided for research and reference use only. Permission to publish, copy, or otherwise use these images must be obtained from the Digitization Centre: http://digitize.library.ubc.ca/

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