BC Historical Newspapers

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Thumbnail of The Abbotsford Post

The Abbotsford Post

The Abbotsford Post was published in Abbotsford, in the Fraser Valley region of southwestern British Columbia. The Post was published and edited by John Alexander Bates, and it was the first paper targeted specifically at the Abbotsford area. The paper has since been bought and sold a number of times, and continues to be published to this day under the title of the Abbotsford News.

Newspaper Metadata

Publisher Abbostford, B.C. : J.A. Bates
Dates of Publication 1910-1924
Language English
Repository Original Format: Royal British Columbia Museum. British Columbia Archives.
Rights Images provided for research and reference use only. Permission to publish, copy, or otherwise use these images must be obtained from the Digitization Centre: http://digitize.library.ubc.ca/

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