UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Stpc : a robust incentive mechanism for improving DHT-based peer-to-peer systems Huang, Gary


The Distributed Hash Table-based (DHT-based) Peer-to-Peer (P2P) system is a largescale, distributed structured system with a very promising routing algorithm to efficiently retrieve information. The academic community has paid great attention to DHT-based P2P systems. However, since peers are self-behaved in these systems, they can frequently join or leave the systems as they want. Therefore, these dynamic systems have high overhead to maintain the DHT topology. Also, any P2P systems encounter free-riding - peers try to maximize their own utility and provide as little service to other peers as possible. Free-riding decreases the usability of system utilities and restricts the development of P2P systems. We investigate the following two factors that may be able to improve these systems: (1) the longer session time peers provide in the system, the more stable the system tends to be with lower maintenance overhead; (2) the more the peers contribute, the more resources they can share in the system. We propose an incentive mechanism that applies the two factors in an incentive value, which determines peer payoff such as service priority and resource distribution. Applying this incentive mechanism, peers are encouraged to provide more session time and make a larger peer contribution. Our experiment results show that our incentive mechanism effectively reduces system maintenance overhead and dramatically controls free-riding in DHT-based P2P systems.

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