UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Féministe ou anti-féministe? : images de la femme dans le théâtre de Molière Mofazali, Mahasti


FÉMINISTE OU ANTI-FÉMINISTE? Images de la femme dans le théâtre de Molière is an extensive study of Molière's feminine and feminist plays in which the playwright depicts seventeenth century French women. Plays studied include The School for Wives, The Female Scholars. Don Juan. The Précieuses Ridicules. The School for Husbands. Tartuffe. Misanthrope, etc. Moreover, the woman's social status in seventeenth century France is illustrated through a vast gallery of female portraits. This study also focuses on character analyses of the female gender as opposed to the male characters seen in his plays. Themes include sexism, wife's servitude towards her husband, woman's liberation, superficiality of certain "salon" women, young girl's education, female identity crisis, love and mariage, forced mariages, cuckoldry, infidelity and "libertinage". A chapter is also dedicated to the maid, "la suivante molièresque", the playwright's ideal feminist. It is especially with Molière's feminist messages which he relays through his plays, that a twentieth century reader can witness the difficult problems that women encountered in the seventeenth century.

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