UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The citizenship law of Perokles, 451/0 B.C. Papageogiou, Antiope P.


The idea for this paper originated from a seminar given on the restoration of democracy at Athens and the reconciliation agreement of 403/2 B.C. The re-affirmation of Perikles' citizenship law in that year prompted me to explore the reasons for its introduction in 451/0 B.C., and, subsequently, to make it the subject of my Masters thesis. I have divided the paper into three chapters. Chapter One functions as an introduction to the sources on Perikles' citizenship law and to the Athenian concept of citizenship. In Chapter Two, I consider the question whether there was a precedent for the law. Accordingly, I explore the evidence for the qualifications necessary for membership, most of which is indirect and involves an examination of the admission procedures of the phratry and deme. Finally, Chapter Three is devoted entirely to Perikles' citizenship law, to the effects it must have had on the admission procedures of phratry and deme, and to the reasons behind its introduction.

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