UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The role of coping, mood states, and coping efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis pain : a multi-level analysis Newth, Sarah


The current study addresses recent calls in the literature to examine both within- and between-person variability in the unfolding of the coping process over time. Twice daily for one week, 74 respondents coping with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) pain reported on their pain severity, mood, coping efforts and coping efficacy. As hypothesized, coping efforts, mood, and perceptions of coping efficacy were associated with both between- and within-person differences in daily pain fluctuations. More importantly, greater use of cognitive reframing and lower use of planful problem-solving were associated with reductions in RA pain within days, over and above individual differences in general coping style. The implications of these findings for daily coping and pain outcomes among persons with RA are reviewed. Results provide support for the inclusion of specific cognitive-behavioral interventions for individuals coping with RA.

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